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Medical marijuana-Ohio

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Bud420, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I have searched these forums and good but I haven't really found anything. I was wondering if anybody here knew when and if Ohio will become a MMJ state.
  2. the last one was about two years ago and it wasnt taken serouisly by the state and was voted down but watch for it to come back around election time the snakes will be all over it for relcetion.
    but dont feel dispeared byt he procecution of americans for celebrating their freedom his name is Brandon Engstrom
    there is one other thing to he is me and i can build a machine that well run itself and creat eletricity that can power homes cars "lights":eek:

    wanna know how one word magnets
    send me and email At if you wanna help i need petitions spread out and filled out

    live free die when ready

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