Medical Marijuana is BULLSHIT

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by 1bakedpotato, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Don't get me wrong, it is a good thing that states have recognized the beneficial uses of cannabis, but medical marijuana is like saying 'YOU CAN ONLY SMOKE WEED IF YOU'RE DYING'

    I understand its for real patients needing real support. MMJ is a step in the right direction, but in mainstream it's mocked as stoners just looking for a legal fix... which only fuels more negative propaganda on the herb.

    I just think its silly, because we're all dying. Some slower than others.
  2. Also its supposed for people who need and deserve it, people abuse the fact that it is legal medically... (not that i wouldnt if it was medical where i live) but i dont think you can just say it is bullshit

  3. You can get medical cannabis recommendations for anxiety, migraines, pain related to past injuries. You don't need to be dying, and in the majority of regions where medical marijuana is available, virtually anyone who has ever been offered a prescription qualifies, even if only for a short term period... and who hasn't been offered a prescription for something at one time or another?

    The medical marijuana movement has done for recreational cannabis, what 60+ years of recreational picketing and protesting couldn't; it normalized cannabis use in the mainstream media, and in many private communities... and it did so in half the time.
    Medical cannabis encouraged the rapid reversal of many negative stereotypes. It proved the harm was far lower than many people, educated and otherwise, once believed. People in the media, from celebrities to those in positions of power, have become increasingly more open and supportive whether straight forward, or in a comedic and satirical fashion... cannabis is on TV these days, all the darn time! And for once, it isn't all about how it will destroy yours and your loved ones minds, and lives.

    And here we are, about three decades since the Federal Government first ruled that Robert Randall's use of cannabis was medically necessary in 1974 and only twenty or so years since the first states began implementing medical cannabis laws, and we have two states legalized, and dozens of others currently working towards using the progress made in CO and WA, as the backbone for their upcoming elections.

    Big surprise... they were medical states first. :hello:

    I know a lot of the healthier, younger folks, who don't (or weren't around to) remember how cannabis was demonized twenty or so years ago, see the medical cannabis concept as this big scientific 'thing' that they can't relate to, but it's helped the recreational movement in more ways than they could possibly understand. :)

  4. the masses need and deserve it, we're being ass fucked by a federal government dictatorship. THATS WHY ITS FOR MEDICAL USE ONLY... the dam is finally breaking government hands can't plug the holes.
  5. #5 Atomic Stoner, Nov 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2012
    Sounds like you got denied an MMJ card
  6. Nah, I've been lied to about marijuana consumption and am constantly denied my freedom to smoke it.

    Again, let me reiterate the point that medical marijuana is completely and 100% beneficial. Patients can get the relief they need and deserve, and it opens many closed minds to the positives of the herb. I am just an impatient man and feel the entire marijuana prohibition I was born under is bullshit, and medical marijuana is a stepping stone to ending it.

    It is BULLSHIT when you approach it from the perspective of "Well why the fuck is it illegal?"
  7. We know there should be free access to it. Duh.

    What you apparently fail to understand is that MMJ has a purpose. A big one.

    its the first step towards legalization, and its not just for "dying people", you can get a prescription for anything from Anxiety to insomnia to cancer.

    Saying MMJ is bullshit borders on the idiotic.
  8. Medical MMJ IS abused so widely it's funny, a lot of people smoke MMJ for "cramps" "headaches" etc
  9. I'm on one side of the fence, others are on the other side. At least we can agree the fence should be taken down.
  10. Agreed. The fact there is a "fence" at all is idiotic. It should not exist, but it does., so we need to take the proper steps in order for this "fence" to be taken down.

    It appears we all differ on what we believe those steps should be. :smoke:
  11. Yep, but of course my way (civil disobedience, public protest ect) got the hippies sprayed with fire hoses and locked up. Like mentioned MMJ is the truest path to legalization, it is a rare example of working within the system to change it.
  12. Shit I had this Mexican National Medical Marijuana card since 1974

  13. You dont need it, you want it.

  14. Personally, I don't need it like Medical Patients. The way marijuana has helped change my thought process I think that the entire country could use a giant marijuana carpet bomb.

  15. Not everyone reacts well to weed. It causes some people to act like complete idiots.

  16. Exactly. My dad ate a pot cookie I gave him and he went completely bonkers and thought he was going to die. He had a massive anxiety attack and it scared him from ever getting high again.
  17. Um it cures cancer?
  18. #18 Storm Crow, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2012
    Click that first link in my sig. READ. Come back later and tells us what you think!

    That we must get a doctor's permission to use cannabis is BS! Cannabis is an herbal medicine that can both cure and/or prevent many diseases!

    Let's look at Alzheimer's. It scares the hell out of most folks! Why should a person be forced to wait until Alzheimer's mental decay begins? Why not get the protection that cannabinoids can bring going BEFORE the damage happens? WebMD says that THC outperforms ARICEPT about 10 to 1 when it comes to Alzheimer's! (Show this one to your parents!) :D

    Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's (news - 2006)
    [FONT=&quot]Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's[/FONT]

    FYI- THC activates both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Macrophages are your "clean-up crew" cells. Beta amyloid (Aβ, amyloid plaque) is the stuff that gums up your brain in Alzheimer's.

    Protective effect of cannabinoid CB1 receptor activation against altered intrinsic repetitive firing properties induced by Aβ neurotoxicity. (abst – 2012) (Activating the CB 1 receptor protects brain cells against repetitive misfiring due to Aβ poisoning) Protective effect of cannabinoid CB1 receptor ... [Neurosci Lett. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    CB1 cannabinoid receptor activation rescues amyloid β-induced alterations in behaviour and intrinsic electrophysiological properties of rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurones. (CB 1 activation reverses some Alzheimer's behavior and normalizes some brain activity)
    [FONT=&quot](abst – 2012) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]CB1 cannabinoid receptor activation res... [Cell Physiol Biochem. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI[/FONT]

    The activation of cannabinoid CB2 receptors stimulates in situ and in vitro beta-amyloid removal by human macrophages. (abst - 2009) (CB2s tell the clean up crew to get that trash out of the brain!)
    The activation of cannabinoid CB2 receptors stimul... [Brain Res. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI

    Activation of the CB(2) receptor system reverses amyloid-induced memory deficiency. (And memory is improved) (abst – 2012) Activation of the CB(2) receptor system reve... [Neurobiol Aging. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    Cannabidiol Reduces Aβ-Induced Neuroinflammation and Promotes Hippocampal Neurogenesis through PPARγ Involvement (full – 2011) (CBD reduced brain inflamation and got new brain cells being made!) Cannabidiol Reduces A

    Prolonged oral Cannabinoid Administration prevents Neuroinflammation, lowers beta-amyloid Levels and improves Cognitive Performance in Tg APP 2576 Mice.(Long term use looks promising!)
    [FONT=&quot](full – 2012) [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]

    Kids, I am not really sure that regular pot users CAN even get Alzheimer's! All the "old hippies" I know, who stuck with pot, are pretty darn sharp! :bongin:

    So, is it moral and right for our government to deny us all free access to a safe, and effective herbal remedy that appears to be a preventative medicine and, possibly, a key to the cure for Alzheimer's ?

    Medical marijuana is a fact!:smoke:

    The law that restricts our access to this good herbal medicine is BS! :mad:

    Let's change this! Become an activist! :yay:

    Granny :wave:
  19. I like how everyone misunderstands this guy and labels him an idiot.

    Chill stoners, chill.

    I agree it's bullshit that you should need a doctor's permission to use marijuana.

  20. More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD (cannabidiol) slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in laboratory dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer. However, these substances have not been tested in humans to find out if they can lower cancer risk. There is no available scientific evidence from controlled studies in humans that cannabinoids can cure or treat cancer.

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