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Medical Marijuana Card.. how to obtain.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Doc7, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Was thinking about getting a medical marijuana card, as I suffer from chronic pain, but have been concerned about winding up in some government data base when/if the wrong people get back in power, and decide to go after the low hanging fruit first. Still, it's something something I think I need, so... what is the best way to go about getting a card in Washington state?
  2. Have you checked the stickies? The very top one lists resources for each state where MMJ is legal.
  3. #3 tharedhead, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2009
    My worry as well-getting arrested anyway. Or finally getting actual pain control, then having it taken away from me, not being able to cope.
    Washington state is in a bit of a transitional phase right now, and there have been some arrests of caregivers.
    Medical Marijuana - Washington State Dept of Health
    Washington State Medical Marijuana Act - A Guide

    Going outside the traditional healthcare system can be frightening, but most DA's do not want to prosecute sick people.
    Wash. medical marijuana law sparks confusion - More health news-

    I'm hoping my feeling of impending doom and paranoia lifts when I get to an MMJ state and start hanging with fellow patients-is there a group in your are you could become involved with?

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