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medical malpractice, permanent nerve damage, from elective hair transplant surgery

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by davidkyselica, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. The tax break is nice, prices seem ok for medical cannabis in general. However, I can't help but feel completely backstabbed and betrayed by this horrible robotic artas robot surgery that screwed up my scalp in both the donor and recipient areas. I hate how the transplanted grafts look and there is obvious permanent nerve damage in the donor area. The recipient area where the grafts were placed also doesn't feel quite right. Due to feeling completely betrayed and screwed over by this clinic, I have this sense of entitlement to even free or much cheaper weed, maybe like a special discount for medical malpractice (wasn't FDA approved for my case, doctor is incompetent for sure). I don't care about the horrible poor results anymore, I feel stupid for caring in the first place. I am not trying to blackmail these guys but obviously their clinic should be shut down immediately. I am based in Illinois and sometimes come to Michigan for medical cannabis. I want my story to be heard so that other guys seriously considering this type of surgery (WAS FUE NOT EVEN FUT, YOU GET PERMANENT NERVE DAMAGE FROM FUE TOO) should stay away from it, and it makes me feel good spreading the word. I also got seziures during the surgery even while being heavily medicated. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy and they had no problem rushing me into it. No greater regret in my life.
  2. While I can empathize with your frustration and desire for compensation, it's important to approach the situation responsibly. Seeking a special discount or free medical cannabis may not be the most appropriate solution. Instead, I would suggest focusing on addressing the issue directly with the clinic and expressing your concerns about the surgery and its aftermath. It's crucial to communicate your dissatisfaction and the impact it has had on your life.

    Furthermore, sharing your story and warning others about your experience is a valid way to raise awareness and help others make informed decisions. By providing accurate information about the potential risks and complications associated with this type of surgery, you can play a role in preventing others from going through a similar ordeal.
  3. Start by complaining to the center and document everything. Know in advance that a malpractice lawsuit can literally take 7-8 years to work through the courts if the center won't settle quickly. Plus your lawyer will get anywhere from 30-50% depending on your agreement. Also, in the US there IS a database that doctors can use to check a potential patients history regarding lawsuits. Some docs use it and some don't. If someone has filed what they might consider a 'frivolous' lawsuit, they can and will turn your down as a patient. Most of the time that's not a big deal but in some very rural locations, like mine, there are extremely few doctors in some specialties and you can't afford to get turned down.
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  4. I'd remember that just because something was done to you, doesn't mean you should "blackmail" others and your "entitlement" to free weed is actually a mental condition you need to work on. Nothing is free. What you are really wanting is for others to pay for you because you didn't like your cosmetic surgery outcomes. <-- that kind of logic makes my stomach churn...:sick:

    Think of all the poor women dying from their Brazilian butt lifts. Do their families get free weed too?! Where will it end?
    Brazilian Butt Lift Deaths on the Rise, Despite Efforts – NBC 6 South Florida
  5. I just complain about the nerve damage and my horrible expierence until I get it for free, they are just scumbag con artist people. I'll roll my eyes at these people until I get it for free. Free weed or I complain. Biggest peice of **** people low life con artist scum I ever met.
  6. Permanent nerve damage never goes away folks!
  7. not all nerve damage is permanent nor can you argue that yours is. I had a couple of my fingers chopped off in the snowblower when I was a kid, 16-17, they sewed them back on and although I didnt have any feeling for roughly a decade, the feeling and nerve sensation eventually came back.
  8. sometimes yes...sometimes no.

    broke my leg exactly like tiger woods,except not compound.
    took a few years to get feeling back.maybe 10.

    severed my ulnar nerve.never will it be the same.
  9. I have standards higher than 0, I don't want worthless people in my life like that, they can take their surgery and experiment on some other gullible ****ing moron. I would love to take their robot to a landfill and smash it up with a baseball bat Office Space style.
  10. The permanent nerve damage from the surgery feels like someone hit me in the back with a baseball bat anyway, so I just think it would be funny...
  11. not our fault...your the one getting cosmetic surgery.
    blame yourself.
  12. You shoulda been hit in the head BEFORE surgery.

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