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Medical in RI with Crohns?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by madore9, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I am 18 and was diagnossed with Crohns a little over a year ago and like many of you the best medicine I have found so far is cannibis. I am starting remicade this Wedensday and am a little nervous of the side effects.

    So my big question is about medical marijuana now in Rhode Island. I am looking to transfer to a school in RI and was wondering if I had an apartment there, if I would qualify for MMJ, or do you have to be a pernament resident? Also, does a MMJ card show up on insurance or anything? My parent's don't know that I smoke, and although their is little they can do now, I would like to keep it that way.

    btw, you guys are the best, it is nice to know that their are other people dealing with the same problem that i am.
  2. you would have to be a legal resident of ri register your car here and stuff. but good luck trying to find a doctor to sign for you
  3. Most states you have to reside for a certain period of time before you are considered a resident. You may want to contact RI social services or something just to ask about establishing residency and what is required. You wouldn't need to mention mmj either in asking that question.

    Best of luck with the Remicade. I've been on it over a year now, and (knock on wood) doing well with it. The side effects scared the life out of me, but I got to the point where I had no choice. Only "problem" I have now is that I am able to eat like a pig. :p MMJ keeps the appetite rocking and settles the guts nicely. The combo of the two has been great for me.

    There's a lengthy crohn's thread here if you want to read all about everyone's experiences. :cool:
  4. good luck with your crohns..I've been living with it for 10 years now ...I'm on Humira and pantasa....have plans on moving to NJ and now that the MMJ has passed gives gives me more motivation to do I just have to figure out how long I have to be a resident before I apply...

    Good luck

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