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Meddi card and sports

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by btyczki21, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Sooo I want to get a meddi card. I broke my back like 10 years ago so I can say that it's hurting and it's keeping me from sleeping and all that jazz. The problem is that I play lacrosse and football for my CC. do u think I culd still get the card and still play sports or do u think sum1 wuld get suspicious about me playing sports and asking for a meddi card for my back and that I shuld wait till I'm done playing sports. Idk I'm probably just being paranoid
  2. I would think it would be VERY suspicious...having chronic pain in your back and running around a lacrosse field don't add up
  3. but honestly, who would know...unless your doctor is an avid fan of community college lacrosse

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