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Med card & FHA loan

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by fiaburn, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. If I get a med. card is it going to flag or screw up my FHA home loan?
  2. Doubtful, medical records and your MMJ recommendation are HIPAA protected private information.
  3. But your credit cards are not protected by HIPAA- PAY CASH for your rec and any subsequent purchases!

    Granny :wave:
  4. As always, very wise advice, but if the Federal Government is reviewing personal CC purchases before approving an FHA loan, then it is far worse than I previously thought. :eek:

    ...not that I would put it past the Government to do this, especially with a movement that is gaining ground and threatening their (corrupt) way of life... :rolleyes:
  5. I don't think anything can happen. You don't tell and no one has to know. Only thing they are concerned about is making sure your income and assets work and you have good standing credit.

    If your business involved mmj or something it might be hard. Make sure you got your 5% down payment.
  6. Thanks everyone. I already have purchased the home and did an FHA loan versus a conventional. No business involved. Just for medical purposes.
  7. I dont see how its even possible...
  8. The reason I ask is my paranoid buddy told me it messes up getting federal funding or void curent. So I was just trying see if it would effect fha loans or student loans.
  9. Well be assured your buddies guess is wrong.

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