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Mechanism for CBD stopping siezures

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by PotStrainsForBackPains, Feb 17, 2023.

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  1. Cannabis for seizures is not bro science anymore!! Even the Merck Manual, the doctor's bible by the giant Merck Frosst pharmaceutic, have CBD listed as medication. As we stop demonisation of cannabis, change laws, pharmaceutic companies will find more evidence and this will be helpful for treatments.
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  2. Changing times indeed!
  3. is it not crazy in these examples how any finding always leads to - we can now make more drugs based on this ! instead of - We can now stop arresting people and just make it Decriminalized across the board I mean look there is massive medical value and not at all a schedule one drug no medical value ... how much viable medical research do we need first - WTF?
  4. I've been chasing down "the US vs Israel" in marijuna resurch. The US worries about the long term effects of a 5000 year old med and how it effects seniors driving. Israel is making meds.
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  5. ha ha that is true ... Israel uses FECO to treat infants with inoperable brain cancers !!!! successfully to Boot fr Years also and as well ... they have used Volcano vaporizers and cannabis to treat heart conditions for a long time as well in the Hospitals in Israel . the vape is used for treating heart conditions . Wild thing here and the obvious reality ... the US is regulated to DEATH ... CPS would totally Fuck whoever is trying to sAve and Heal their Kid with Nature and lock them up take everything they have and the Kid dies too instead of harm prevention its Massive Harm in America to You if you get sick and then decide to use Nature for healing
    tiny infant Babies have an endocannabinoid system too and if exogenous phytocannabinoids can help the system recover and heal then so be it ... the Damn truth
    Israel are world leaders in the cannabinoid sciences , Scientists there have been paid $150K a year from the US since 1964 to research biochemistry of cannabis ! Even NIDA knows the Cananbinoid sciences and 1% - 2 % of the DEA budget actually pays for cannabinoid research .. the rest is harm findings only being paid for

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