I have only been blazing for about 2 or 3 months now and I was just wondering if soem of you could help with my measurements. I was wondering how many grams are in the following sacks... half 8th 8th quad half o ounce I live In California and I was wondering how much I should be paying for the above sacks too If you can help I would appreciate it thank you PurpleStikyPunch
it's not perfectly even... there's like 28.3495 grams to an ounce, but everyone just rounds down to 28 so an 8th is 3.5 and I hope you can do the rest of the math.
All you need to know is an ounce is 28 grams, all the other measurements are described off this measurement. What is an eighth of 28 grams? 3.5 grams Whats a quart? 7 grams Whats a half, 14 grams. etc. Here in Virginia, prices are probably much higher then cali (i'd imagine), but I pay $20/g for chronic (dank) $15/g for some mid
If your paying more than 45 an eigth. 300 an O or 20 a G your getting raped. Thats for everywhere in Cali.
Thought it would be funny to confuse high people. I was hoping someone who was stoned would see September 13th and freak out or something
[quote name='"Justin127"'] Thought it would be funny to confuse high people. I was hoping someone who was stoned would see September 13th and freak out or something[/quote] Hahaha That is great