mcdonalds or pizza(munchies)

Discussion in 'General' started by ohhighthere2, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. So im preety hi\high rite now and basically we wonna know if we shuld go to mcdonads and get some burgers and fries or if we shuld just got get a $5 pizza and share it

    stay high my friends:bongin:
  2. Pizza!!!! Fuck Mcdonalds:laughing:
  3. I nominate Pizza.
  4. I just ate 6 slices of large Papa Johns and feel like throwing up right now, but it was good as fuck so pizza :hello:
  5. Where can you get a pizza for $5?
  6. Def pizza, I just had some earlier and was dippin' it in ranch, was so good I felt like I was gonna nut in my pantz
  7. [quote name='"Demiurge"']Where can you get a pizza for $5?[/quote]

    LITTLE FUCKING CAESARS MAN 8 slices for $5 and it's amazing stoned

  8. Little Ceasars

    Definitely pizza OP
  9. Oh ew. If it was ceasars V Mc D I'd definitely choose mickie ds.
  10. Pizza is a jillion times more satisfying while high, mcdonalds wont fill you up as much and the different types of the pizza will be an explosion of taste lol

  11. I second this.

    WHERE?!?!?! lol- thats like the el-dorado of stoner takout!

    But I would say pizza OP-

  12. Little Ceasars ain't bad at all.

    The trick is to have them make you a fresh pizza. None of that sitting around under a heat lamp bullshit that they're known for.
  13. Pizza bro. Pizza that shit.
  14. Given the choice of a pizza that costs 5$ or McDonalds I would choose eating the $5...
  15. pizza

    once you soak up all the grease
  16. I miss when mcdicks had pizza
  17. [quote name='"cookiecrisp"']

    The trick is to have them make you a fresh pizza. None of that sitting around under a heat lamp bullshit that they're known for.[/quote]


    The caesars in my area only gives you fresh pizza, and it's only like a 4-6 minute wait
  18. Those 5 dollar pizzas from Little Caesars are blessings and yall don't even know it! Lol

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