McCains Worst Nightmare?

Discussion in 'General' started by stoned budda, May 13, 2008.

  1. Bob Barr the ex-republican congressman from Georgia has announced his candidacy for president on the libertarian ticket. Barr is not only seen as more of a pro-gun, fiscal conservative than john McCain, he also is a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project.
    It seems in 2006 Mr. Barr who was an anti drug bush Republican had an epiphany and became pro marijuana.

    In an interview this week with The Politico, the former arch-drug warrior explained that times have changed. "I, over the years, have taken a very strong stand on drug issues, but in light of the tremendous growth of government power since 9/11, it has forced me and other conservatives to go back and take a renewed look at how big and powerful we want the government to be in people's lives," Barr said.

    Barr brings a "great deal of credibility, particularly among people on the Republican side of the aisle," MPP government relations director Aaron Houston told The Politico. "He certainly would not have been the first person I would have expected to sign off to us, but I'm very pleased that he has," Houston said. "I'm very pleased that he has come around, and I hope he serves as an example to his former colleagues."

    As a newly christened MPP lobbyist, Barr is already talking the talk. There might be "legitimate medical uses of marijuana and we ought not have this knee-jerk reaction against it, and people ought to be allowed to explore," he said.

    He will also lobby to kill the Office of National Drug Control Policy's youth anti-drug media campaign, which repeated studies have shown to be ineffective. "A lot of conservatives have expressed great concern over the taxpayer money that is being wasted on this poorly run advertising campaign," said Barr, who left Congress in 2003.

    Hmmmm i may be voting Barr in November.
  2. Bob Barr is interesting, and I'd definitely pick him over the mainstream democrats or republicans. However, take a look at this:

    "In Congress, he also controversially proposed that the Pentagon ban the practice of Wicca in the military."

    "He authored and sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act, a law enacted in 1996 which states that only marriages that are between a man and a woman can be federally recognized, and individual states may choose not to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in another state."

    "He voted for the Patriot Act"

    For the Libertarian party to accept a guy like this, they've clearly abandoned their principles just as much as Dems and Reps have, but he still stands head and shoulders above the mainstream. It would be better if he'd stuck with the Republican party like Ron Paul has, and instead worked to steer it back on course. And the two of them should team up; splitting hairs like this is only doing more damage to the freedom movement.
  3. Hey, anyone can change. I want to see a list of his current views on the issues, he just announced so its to early to find them. If this is legit, its very likely that he will get my vote. Everything I've read so far i like.
  4. I'll still be voting for Obama... Our system sucks, but I don't want to waste my vote (especially on someone who voted for the Patriot Act) when having McCain as president would be... well, to be honest, very bad...
  5. Dude he ain't gonna win, regardless. Cast your one, powerful vote :rolleyes:
  6. why would mccain be bad ... and secondly u might wanna start preparing because high chance hes the next president hes been in war hes been tortured he know what war can and will do better than bush
  7. Only one major poll has McCain beating Obama right now nationally.

    Due to our system, McCain will gain an advantage from the electoral votes, but I would say at this moment the signs point towards Obama being the next president.

    I don't want to debate it though, I've done that far too much and minds just can't seem to be changed. I do like McCain as a person and was really mad when Bush's dirty tricks did in his campaign in 2000. I don't think I would have voted for him, but regardless... Anyway, I'm a democrat, what can I say? :D Their politics just seem more compassionate and better for us right now.

  8. Don't ever believe polls, especially one thats attempting to predict the outcome of an election 6 months away. It impossible for it to be in any way accurate, there are two many variables to even make an educated guess.

  9. well im in no position to argue with you your obviously much more educated on the topic ... but i also come from a very democrat state in a very republican area of the state so maybe thats why im picking sides here i guess but im not very big on politics as it is so yeh ima stop rambling im high

  10. Hmm... that's an interesting post. Thanks for sharing, stoned budda. :)

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