Hey guys, I was admiring my plants today (they’re the healthiest looking plants I’ve had in a long time) & decided to check the undersides of the leaves as I saw a tiny white spec crawling around in one of my trays & saw what I believe to be a mite of some sort. I got it under the microscope & it’s a very light brown/translucent color, no spots, & was very tiny, however, I could see it with my naked eye. My question is, I grow organically & just bought soil from buildasoil & imagine it could be a predatory mite as my leaves look PERFECT, however, I know it could just be the beginning as well. I do all of the right things in regards to entering my room in clean clothes, showering before I enter & doing a LOT of KNF for IPM & so I’m torn on whether to purchase a spray & use it or just let them be as I know to look out for spots & again, this little guy didn’t have any. I attached the best pics I could which I know are not great by any means but I did what I could haha. Any tips would be greatly appreciated & because I haven’t had to deal with this in years, what sprays would you guys recommend that are safe yet effective if you do suggest I treat them like enemies lol. Thanks guys!
Also, would predatory mites be a good solution as well? I’m thinking I’ll hit them with an organic foliar (I’ve used captain jacks in the past) & then dose with predatory insects?