Maybe It's true?

Discussion in 'General' started by simmer, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 simmer, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Has anyone seen that episode of southpark. At the end you know, they always have their "You know, I learned something today..." monologues.

    One time one of their lessons was that "all the things they say about weed may not be true, but it makes you ok with being bored. And it's times when you're bored, you could be doing something with your life like learning something new, or going out and doing something.
    Maybe there is truth to that...

    I've seen alot of posts about people saying how bored they are for their next bag when they're dry.

    Maybe weed does make us ok with being bored?

    I don't know.
    I love mary jane to death though!
    So I'm basically calling the kettle black. :rolleyes:
    idk why I'm posting this. Most likely cause I'm bored and last night when I smoked all I got was a buzz so I'm on a T break.
    I wish I had a garbage bag full of white widdow. Damn I would be so happy for like 3 months! :D
  2. Thought the same thing when I saw the episode. But then I smoked a bowl.

    IMO, I learn the most when I am high. All the thoughts I wouldn't think of sober urges me to look up information and learn shit I wouldn't care about before.When I'm high I practice graphic design and drawing, which I hope to do for a living. It serves different purposes for different people. Just have to figure out what your purpose is. :smoke:
  3. haha reminds me of last night...

    I was smoking of course, and then everytime I listen to music
    I don't see a "screen saver" or a scene play out in my head like most everyone does.

    I only see pictures. like paintings. So last night I was pretty convinced I could become a famous painter if I wanted to. I even had an idea in mind and it still looks pretty cool to me. and I'm not high at all lol.
    Still, my handwriting/drawings suck ass so I doubt that'll be my thing lol

    Maybe you're right though.
    I should smoke alone and reflect some.

  4. To me, this is the best kind of smoking. I mean I have shit tons of fun with my friends passing a couple blunts around, but they are two different experiences. When I'm alone and I smoke, my thought process is tenfold. I also get these great ideas of inventions, and also random epiphanies. Plus you feel safe in your own environment which rids the feeling of paranoia while your out.

    Guna go get ready to pack a bowl now, and try out this epic sploof I made o_O
  5. Good thread.
    What season is it???
    Never seen it.

    Sounds interesting tho

  6. QFT.
    Marijuana does make me more content with being bored... but that doesn't mean I'm going to be less ambitious and motivated... it just means that when I take time out to relax... I can do just that :)
  7. hahaha i just watched that ep,

    but meh, i really dont have a input
  8. The most I can tell you season wise is that it's in the latter half but not TOO recent.... :S

    If you go to You can watch the full episode. Just search it out or thumb through each season if you really wanna see it.
  9. Its the one with their future selves coming back and telling them not to do drugs and stuff.

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