Maybe It's Just Me and The Perception Lies to Me, But It Can Suck Being Peaceful

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by TokeTheToke, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. So, I had a pretty good day going. You know? Flirted with some girls, got my shit done, had one course left (senior in high school) (taking extras, since I like photography, and Uni can wait) before the day ended. Now, it was break, and some friends and I decided to roll a fat spliff and smoke it up and enjoy our break. So, we did, and we and it was some good stuff.

    I'm feeling good at this point, all hungry and shit, so we head to the nearest food place and ordered some stuff. If you don't know me, my eyes get terribly red, and I look kind of dumb, and my hair was doing weird things, so I wasn't a great eye candy at that time. We eat, we finish, and we head back to school. All the gorgeous bitches were sitting at one place, just talking & doing their own thing, occasionally looking at me, while I passed them by, and then there were some crews, who I barely talk, who try acting all tough and shit trying to stare me down. (i don't give a shit, i could rock them in a second).

    So, I'm blitzed like a bitch at this moment, and I head over to my friend. Now, he's with his other buddy, as well. This friend likes to act like he's the fucking man and on steriods 24/7, so he naturally get's angry easily, and over-protective. So, I smelt a wave of fart coming by, and I thought it was him, so I mentioned it, he got pissed, got up, and started pushing me, and I hit a railing.

    I yelled, in a whiney fashion: "Max, what the fuck!"

    He pushes me again, and my body looks really feeble and weak and this point, and I yell "the fuck!"

    At this point. Those hot bitches were staring at me, and now think I'm a poser, and those fucking crews now think they run shit because I suddenly couldn't fight back.

    This is my thought while I was high, and maybe they don't think that at all, but weed makes me too chill and too much like a pacifist to do anything. I would've rocked him right there, get a good one for his eye and nose, but I just couldn't do anything when high.

    Anyone else sometimes feel this way?

    I'm not bitching that my rep has gone down or up, because that's stupid, I'm just sorta ranting at the fact that I can't really seem to stand my ground when needed to.


    Got blitzed. Went back to school, girls looking at me, they know I'm muscular, and very defendant, and I walk up to friend. Friend gets pissed. Starts shoving me around, I look like I'm weak and my body looks feeble and wobbly, and now girls possibly think I'm a poser because of that.

    I think I may be over thinking the situation, because I was perceiving the situation differently than I would sober.

    What do you think?
  2. yea man i know what u mean, i get rly chilled out and dont want any problems, but hey next time shit happens kick his ass, i would :D
  3. I know the peacful thing. I lose the give a fuck that I need to have to get into conflicts at school, and I used to have to sit back through a lot of shit for it because I just didn't care. I got lucky though, lol, everyone thinks I'm just too laid back for it.:smoke:

    I kind of doubt that the girls that were watching think you're weak, especially if they thought the guy was your friend. Even if he was getting pissed they probably would have thought that, as his friend, you were just taking his shit in stride rather than busting him for it. Sounds more like high paranoia to me, lol. As for the other crews...if they fuck with you then kick their asses back into line.
  4. Lmfao, you guys are like the ultimate players, eh? You always know when and how to say the right things lol!

    + rep for you guys so far.

    Thanks. :)
  5. #5 Stoogemeister, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2009
    honestly just sounds like you pussied out

    thats all there is to it, blame the bud all you want but shit.


    close your eyes open up your mind and reset the important things in your life cause obviously your perception of reality is a little distorted from something or someone

    probably isnt what you want to hear, sorry to burst your ego but its the truth man and it hurts a lot sometimes

    edit: oh yea and im not saying " yea man you shoulda clocked him right in the jaw and shown him up man yea"
    but dont let people push you around no matter how big or small they are
  6. Dude i no exactly what you mean. like ive never been in that situation but when i smoke i just chill out to much and i dont get mad at people anymore.
  7. I know what you mean, maybe you should worry about your GC cred more :smoke:
  8. sometimes im just a strait up pussy when im baked... :wave:
  9. I know, bro. I know. But, it's has nothing to do with the power struggle between him and I. I'm not blaming the weed, but if I wasn't high, I definitely would have done something. But when I'm high, I'm just really at peace with myself and everyone else, where it becomes REALLY hard to defend myself or even give a shit about something.

    For example: I was toking behind a public building with a large group, cops were coming, I was too chilled to even run. I mean, I wanted to, but I couldn't.
  10. I'd say you are

    Stop thinking about what happened that day and start thinking about when you're about to hit those chicks up :smoking:
  11. I believe in peace, if you can avoid conflict, do so.

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