Maya, the Inca's and the Aztecs...

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Duft, May 10, 2022.

  1. I have a friend who spends about half the year in Belize digging up old dusty bowls studying the Mayan civilization (could be one of the other two??). Anyway, she has said that all 3 of the above civilizations had used marijuana in their day to day lives and in special ceremonies. I asked her how did they know? She said they've found residue in vessels, areas they believed were industrial farms, and have found weed seeds also.

    It was killing me, I wanted to ask her to bring me a few seeds next time she returned to the states but she just chuckled and said she couldn't, and they probably weren't viable anyway after a thousand years or so. But while smoking one night I wondered how much thc was in the old plants back then compared to today? I'm guessing much much stronger today than then but who knows. The kind of stuff we think about when we're flying the friendly skies...
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  2. i think that the reasoning behind weed being so called more potent now is from folks awareness of culling males even in the wide open ranges of there grows.
    back in the late 70's early 80's the weed was great in my own opinion,i was a young gun and enjoyed just the escape from reality , but all the weed i smoked or even seen was full of seeds,it was just that way,so if your five finger bag was one finger of seeds there is the absolute chance it was a breed plant, they still smoke you know,but not as potent as sensemilla , that why folks think the weed is more potent today,many if you think about it , that claim old school arent even close or even had any old school weed,old school only means what ever age they were when they started smoking and on this forum and the mentality i find from most members are just kids in there 20's so old school is 2000 to them.
    those bags in the day were also filled with seeds as fillers ,the same as going to a all you can eat buffet ,they put the candy in front of your face that is really cheap to make to keep you away from the sea food,,you know what oi mean.
    but back then i would find a spot to gorrilla grow and honestly didnt care much about pollen in the wind,so that is a big factor in the quality of then and now.
    the most stupid thing i have heard is this top shelf shit or medium grade ahahaha high i high if there is grades in a store for pushing weed i would just have to turn away and think whom would ever visit and buy this shit,i can put top shelf on parsley and sell it as that ,then in defense say well i had to get it off the top shelf haaha.
    then you have this packaging,from what i hear because ive never been or will go to a despensary is because i cant smell it or feel it , what kind of shit is that, it like here take my word or leave ,well i see ya chump is what id say hahah.
    anyway back to history, did your girl also tell you the majority of the old pottery they find is from poop ?
    back then in some cities they would just poop in the pots ,then they had farmers come by and take those pots to a spot were they farmed the poop and it was top grade compost,yes they used human waste for fertilizers,the aztec had channels cut out beside the river for ease of getting water to keep the manure hot and composting, the channels were boat slips for the folks bringing in the pots,i cant remeber the city name ,but it is documented to be the very cleanist city in the world,you could and they did walk the streets of the city bare foot and never had dirty feet , that said a lot the of the broken pots she is finding could be those used and broken from transport
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  3. Odds are they had figured out Concentrates like Kief-Hash. :)

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  4. check out mexico floating city
    for the example of the use of the pottery
    even in the ruins of the tropical forest , they were flying over something that looked as if it was a staircase ,when the discover was looked into that is when the had found not only a ton of broken pottery ,but also came to the conclusion of why.
    along with the pottery they notice that the soil was real black several layers deep and fertile as all get out,well the good old scientist,got to have them you know , got to love to hate um ,anyway the archeologist dug it up and found that the really rich soil to contain char and lots of it, so the pottery was used to take the char down the slopes and it was a garden from way back when, about the same time is when the scientist ,did i say you gotta love um hahahah also claim by using clay pots you have better chances of growing in contained pots from the clay absorbing and retaining water
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  5. Yes, human waste was commonly collected in pots or what we would call 'slit trenches'.
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  6. I don’t see how they charged their vape pens.
    • Funny Funny x 1

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