may the stash be with you...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by cannabinol, Oct 3, 2001.

  1. Hi,

    My Name is Nol van Schaik, owner of 3 coffeeshops and the Global Hempmuseum, all in Haarlem, Holland. Haarlem is only 15 miles from Amsterdam, to the west, the beaches are another 10 miles west.....
    I test and buy weed and hash for a living.

    Attached Files:

  2. Hi a face with a name :) good to have you on board!
  3. Hello Nol welcome aboard and good luck with the pioneering in Manchester.
  4. welcome. you have my dream job. do you test munchie foods too?
  5. Welcome aboard, glad to meet you and I hope to shake your hand in person one day.
  6. High ya Nol

    well done for all ur work m8 !!!

    r u gonna be in any of ur shops around the weekend of 27th 28th October because i'm gonna be visiting willy wortels ...hemp city and dee Dam ????


  7. Hi Nol,

    Welcome to the club. It is great to have so many specialists around here.
  8. For the warm welcome...

    Here's my stash...

    Attached Files:

  9. at the goodies you might encounter in our shops....

    Attached Files:

  10. Welcome to grasscity, all the best with your business, and hope to soon have one of my own.

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