may not be super intelligent aliens

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by yurigadaisukida, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Think about the evolution of the universe.

    Complex elements needed to form life are only made in fusion.

    The universd is 14 billion years old and earth is 4 billion.

    Humans may be one of the older species
  2. 1 billion years is a long time my friend. imagine the human race one BILLION years from advanced would we be? (if still alive)

    things change a lot in 1 billion years...aliens still could indeed be way way wayyyy ahead of us intellectually and otherwise.
  3. I agree that to assume that there are much smarter beings running around isn't justified on the basis that everything we know about species/intelligence is geocentric. Us.

    Technologically, we are advancing at a exponential rate. Whose to say that another intelligence somewhere not only exists but has a faster exponential rate of advancement than us?

    Fun questions to ask but it amounts to just pissing in the wind as far as I'm concerned.
  4. I'd be pretty disappointed if we were the most advanced race in the universe.. I wanna live like the Jetsons :cool:

  5. relatively, a billion years is... nothing. The universe is infinitely expanding, and all stars have a habitable range.
    evolution is a universal constant.
    if there are the right conditions, life will grow.
  6. or be planted there,
  7. I believe there is a far more advanced species out there, but there is also more dumber species out there.

    Time is evolution.
  8. We could be the most intelligent now, but another race could be developing faster so that they'll pass us soon, its one of those things i hope i know before i die.
  9. Forget 1 billion years. Imagine a species that started only 1 million years earlier and yet has progressed at the same rate. Aka us in a million years.
  10. Shit! Think about how far we've come in the past 100 years, I can't even fathom a million years.
  11. It's hard to see evidence of more advanced civilizations in our universe, if anything this makes our progression that much more perilous. The signs we look for are, for the moment, things that a type 1, 2, or 3 civilization might show...we're still type 0 in a transition to type 1. If anything it shows us that this transition is more important than ever as likely many civilizations meet it and are eliminated or regressed in the aftermath.

  12. We only exist for 100,000 years or so. In fact, even in our own planet, many species are older than us. In the whole Universe, I'm sure many are older than us because we took 10 billion years to appear, are you telling me that in a 10 billion year gap, no civilization took off or developed?
  13. [quote name='"PeruvianDank"']

    We only exist for 100,000 years or so. In fact, even in our own planet, many species are older than us. In the whole Universe, I'm sure many are older than us because we took 10 billion years to appear, are you telling me that in a 10 billion year gap, no civilization took off or developed?[/quote]

    Thats exactly.what i was saying. For billions of years complex elements like iron didnt even.exist. We are in the era of super nova remnents, and i would guess there isnt any earth like planets that are more than a few.billion years old
  14. I hope we are not the most advanced species in this universe. We're still killing each other over luxury items and power. Once all humans can work as one power united we will advance incredibly fast, but that time will probably never happen because of the greed that rules our species. We will most likely eradicate most of our species in the next 200 years :(
  15. [quote name='"yurigadaisukida"']Think about the evolution of the universe.

    Complex elements needed to form life are only made in fusion.

    The universd is 14 billion years old and earth is 4 billion.

    Humans may be one of the older species[/quote]

    Our universe is 14 billion years old.
    They are others that may be older, formed by the same process in a parallel dimension with different chemical ratios and electron spins resulting in infinite variations.

    We are indeed old species compared to other species in this realm.
  16. I know in my own mind that humans are not the all that old. I sometimes ponder what the first sentient life in the universe looks like, act like, sound like, and what intentions they have. Are they "good" or "bad"? How to they regard life?
    What are the technological achievements? SOOO many different probabilities!!! The universe we exist in is so mind blowingly expansive.
  17. I think the only conclusion it can lead you to is that either; a) we are the most advanced or b) others are much farther advanced than us. I don't really think a is the most likely answer just because of what we know of the age of the universe as well as the age of the earth. But then again yea, it's still just a stab in the dark at an answer.
  18. The very act of asking if there is Life in other parts of the Universe says enough about our species. We truly are special compared to other animals on Earth. I wonder how we match up against alien lifeforms?
  19. Kaiku says there's probably many type 0 civilizations like we are, and it's rare for type 0 to type 1.
  20. I'd imagine a species being able to travel space without suits ships shuttles what have you.

    Maybe they evolved completely into space.

    That would be crazy and would explain the organism type stuff astronauts keep complaining about.

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