Materialism: Mind Emerging Out of Matter via "Complexity"

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Insurgency, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #2 IMAEREHW, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    First, my answer to your first discussion would be: We need to know if anything exists beyond the plane of reality that we experience. Without knowing that, you cant determine whether or not we are rational or irrational.

    As for the mind, I think it evolved with us, as our needs were met it our world. When the only thing we worried about was where our next meal was going to come from, our mind didn't need complex processes. As that need was met (when we went from nomadic to setting up societies), our mind could progress to include more complex processes, like being able to live safely, and creating defenses.

    edit: heres that link

    However, there are some things that peak my interest. One is the idea that our mind is a hologram. I posted a link to an article the other day that no one responded to, so it wasn't seen by many, but its still interesting to think about.

    something else that might be coincidential, is this picture.

    Universe vs. Neuron
  2. I think I would have to answer yes to both of your questions. We know that complex structures can arise naturally from much simpler structures so it's reasonable to think that our mind is the result of many years of natural selection much like any other complex structure. We also understand certain parts of the brain to the point where we are able to create functioning replicas without the use of any divine or supernatural means. Lastly we are also able to stimulate thoughts, erase memories, and affect morality by manipulating the physical brain, which would imply that the mind is a product of the brain. Given these premises it seems entirely probable that the mind did emerge out of material complexity.
  3. The Big Mind did not arise from anything. It gives witness to the rise of all forms, and watches them return into Itself.

    The egoic mind did rise from a series of discriminations, the primary one is identifying with a finite body subject to decay and death.

    The Big Mind is intangible, immaculate, limitless and contains all notions of Universe. The little mind is subject to fear and loss. The Big Mind watches the little mind.

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