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Massachusetts smokers

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by TonyPeaches, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Mass smokers.... PLEASE stop buying beasters for outrageous prices! if you are paying anymore than 120 a half for the beast, you are being ripped off! slap your dealer in the fucking face! he is literally playing you like monopoly...
    I've been in this game in MA for a very long time, this is what you should be paying here.
    Mids- 80-120/ounce
    BC bud- 200-240/ounce for the dankest of bc import
    Good Outdoor nugs- 240-300 at most
    the danks- 350-450
  2. If this is directed towards me, FYI, it was my first time buying from this scumbag and he told me 200 a half for some Dank Headies, I showed up and through the bag the bud looked dank and legit weight so I took it, to notice later on that he sold me beasters.
  3. it's not directed towards you, i see this all the time and it breaks my heart.
  4. you probably dont even want to know how much i pay...mass SUCKS with prices...

    P.S. if you ever want to move to another country, move to colombia...i have a friend who lives there...although they are known for coke, they have dank ass bud firend bought a POUND of dank ass stcky icky stuff for $100...i literally cried a little bit...
  5. seriously though, there are great deals in MA... it is definitely in your best interest to find them
  6. ik...i need to find better dealers...but one time one of my buds offered me 1/4 of kush for 60...the only problem was i bought 1/8 of so called "northern lights" for 50, about 10 mins before i got this deal...and i only had $20 left so i couldnt get it =[ . and the "northern lights" that i bought wasn't good at looked and smelled amazing, but i was highly disappointed when, after 4 bowls of not-so-great tasting weed, i was even less high than i was taking 5 hits out of a joint the day before...
  7. I Get amazing deals when I go to my usual connect.
  8. Beasters are notorious in MA.
    GARBAGE. There are cheap headies all over mass you just have to look. go to a party.
  9. Yeah my new connect is straight beasters. copped 12g for 65. Is that ok for you, bud police?:D

    Dank shit is hard to come by for cheap...ive paid full 20/g price for amazing looking bud that ive opend up only to have 50 seeds trickle out of a .5 bud..I've also paid full for the best weed i'll ever smoke. You just gotta find a steady connect, develop a hookup, and buy in bulk.

    Mids are just an o for 90 the other day.
  10. I can't find mids anywhere in my town, just KB/Beasters and headies.
  11. Really? I got people SHOVING mids down my throat. i got my o for 90, another guys trying to get me to buy half/55, got another kid 100/o.
  12. wth mids ARE everywhere hoew can you not find any....
    and you are right about KB...sooo much around here i picked up a few grams the other day it was good stuff......
  13. i could get em' its just a big pain in the ass. they just don't come around that often because everyone likes nice bud here, not middies.

  14. man outdoors its 180 minimal i agree with mids and danks but what is bc bud because kinebud aka kb you know so idk
  15. you know its funny everyones bitching bout mids in MA and i havent seen any since early last year. typical prices i pay are 80-90 a quarter for headies, 100-120 a half for KB, 90-110 an oz for mids when its around, ive never had an issues except with trying to find KB thats my fav to smoke, best quality to quanity ive found lol

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