mass mass quantities of kelp tea and seeded variety of comfrey questions

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by urlove, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. I did exactly this and and sucessfully propogated 24 out of 25. I transplanted them last week into a plot full of manure, rock dust, red clover and red wigglers and they have taken off in the last week. I have QTY 16 Bocking 14's planted in this plot already from last year, and they have gone crazy.

    You have to plan in advance to propogate and grow these Bocking 14's, but it's worth it. It's so easy that even I can do it!

  2. Nice work Mizza!

    I am only 8/20. I had about 4 more, but I let them get way too dry and 4 weaker ones lost out. I pretty much forgot about them for awhile.
    I'm thinking about where/how many more I want/need. I'm planning on putting them close to my house, near my other 6. That way they will be out of the way and I can harvest or let them grow depending on what my needs are. Plus I got nothing else growing there and I don't mind 'cementing' comfrey there for the next 50 years or so ;)
  3. #23 urlove, Apr 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2012
    The 1 1/2 yr old and 2 yr old comfrey plants
    sent to me were very strong and are sending out new feeder roots quickly.

    It was an interesting note to see the seller's
    instructions to soak the roots in cold water
    for 4 hours before planting.

    The plant roots were about 5 to 8 inches long and some as round as two inches.

    I planted them too closely but decided because they were bocking #4 they won't produce as much as bocking #14.
    Will see.

    I ammneded the soil with a heavy bubch of peat and alfalaf that has been sheet mulching outside. Also added a heavy dose of composted chicky manure, aragonite and rock dust. So because I had so many plants I dug a deep trench near the water downspout the built the comfrey bed next to that.
    I stand in the trench and plan to make that an outdoor stealth place grow some cuttings.
    Not sure what it is about this old mother-a Rudialis, but her leaves stink. Sweet even in vege; so she is probably gonna make some good flowers.
    So far we are rocking my world with goodness!
    It was my choice to crowd the comfrey planting and if necessary I will separate them. It was I believe prudent/if not necessary to make the bed deep and rich as possible. Also they will proset close to the water source. I plan on harvesting the leaves and curing them for sharing; so I will stay on top of the crowded plot.
    Thanks for the tip about comfrey syrup. It looks like that will be a project I can try with all these 20 nice big comfrey plants.
    Yup 20! Wow am I a lucky girl!
    So very happy I studied here at GC
    So happy I spent all my available cash on soil ammendments.
    So happy I have Jamaican pearls!!

    My friends' grows are fabulous thanks to all you folks here at GC for sharing your wisdom and experience.

    Taking a big bow here to you all.... (and lots of cuttings!)
    White flowers all around!
    Url Durgahands
  4. Hey nice going URL DH... .keep it up!!
  5. Thanks,
    The plant seller was kind enough to include some dry leaf so I have been eating it with restraint and good effects.

    The mass supply of comfrey plants are gorgeous and have overtaken the urge to plant tobacco- no time for such tedium yet.
    I am trying to finsih theses ladies and am a bit disappointed that they don't stink more with their steadily growing tops.
    Is it possible that too much botanical foliars feeding? I stoped floiar ate 2 weeks. We are somewhere around 1 month in and they are loaded with flowers but they are barely starting to smell good.
    So can botanicals mask MMJ oil smell in early flowering? I must assume so as the mix of teas were stinakrama.
    Or has it simply been too many years since the days when I grew. sativa to remember that the intense smell will come later ?
    Maybe I should have put more sulpomag into the soil.. well there's oy one way to see...wait
    I can only pray to the God who governs these Durgahands and know when there is a time to truly let go and be still.
    Yet I have more questions...
    The flower heads expand everyday.. isn't that enough to trust they are well?
    There is healthy green foliage adding to it all and no sign of disease.
    Can I just relax now and enjoy the show?

    As humidity and heat raise new issue... other complex matters stall the momentum to relax. There's alwasy some changing factor to adjust to if only to turn up the exhaust and sit down again and rest some.

    Back to comfrey and its curing.
    If anyone wants to help point to where the best threads on curing leaf is I would appreciate the hand.
    Juggling is fun.
    Still wonder if there is also someone who could point to any good studies of how much comfrey is too much to eat. I know its off topic but its not really. The comfrey farmer can't farm without being healthy and there's not many places I have seen yet that define it well for humans to consume suggested amounts.

    So I am still alone for the journey so that must mean it is still a life lesson for me to venture alone. Yet with such fine folks I always get some good responses
    Thanks again
    url dh
  6. Url DH, here is a place I came across that may answer some questions. I feel it is at least worthy of a look. Hope it helps. David Hoffmann ~ Is Comfrey Safe?

  7. Thanks Sam,
    So far I eat 2 spoons dried leaf in a slushie only twice per week.
    I have also added same of horsetail to my experiment and noticed my teethe were not as sensitive.
    Since I don't take any other herbs I can attribute both to feeling somewhat better for ingesting them both.

    Since my nettle plants are producing well I will be trying to take more of that as well. I never did get the courage to drink alfalfa tea... but the effect of ingesting azomite was really good. I don't do that but rarely; and now that I am out of azomite I will have to try some glacial rock dust.
    Ok, thanks all. I miss reading GC; but being in the garden is where I. See feel and integrate all the kind help y'all give. Namaste

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