Dat heavenly perfect space music . . . . Dat epicness . . . . . DEM STARS . . . . . . Add in high as fuck and dayum, havent seen something this great in a video game in ages Sorry just cant get over how damned atmospheric the game is, and especially how atmospheric using the galaxy map is Soundtrack is also one of the greatest ive ever heard. Amazing high music haha
yes! nothing was more amazing than being stoned and opening up the galaxy map for the first time. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoqyXSDpr14]Mass Effect 2 - Galaxy Map Theme [Extended + 15 mins] (Now with Annotation Loop!) - YouTube[/ame]
Hell yes My god. Galaxy map has such a powerful theme. Ideal song to explore the vastness of space to
I still remember the first time I opened it and set off. I was kind of disappointed by the game so far and was under the impression I was going to be stuck on the Citadel for ages and that the other three planets would be all there is. Then I clicked on a system.