My life, Before and after. heres my story. Me being a gay teenager, life was always hard. Kids were mean to me, kids harassed me, and i couldnt find a way to accept myself for who i am. I was a very insecure person, i was depressed, suicidal, hurting, and i needed to find a way to gain my confidence back. this was going on for years, and not only was it imacting me, it was impacting my family, friends, and those around me. Therapy NEVER worked, all those different pills they perscribed to me made me a completely different person. Not to mention i have extremely bad Insomnia and sleep anxiety, and the pills they always perscribed to me made me feel weird and groggy. things needed to change. Two years ago, i was hanging with my close friend, and he had decided to intoduce me to weed; That was the day my life changed. I loved the feeling of the "high" instantly. it started as a weekend thing, nothing to serious, then i started to start reasearching it, and getting into the whole weed community, and really started to grow a love for marijuana. (no, not addiction) I started smoking more often, leading to where i am now, I smoke a bowl every night, and all through the weekends. I'm proud to say weed has made my life better, and made myself a happier, more confident, and friendly person. It made me feel alive again. I was making LOTS of new, nice, friends, people stopped harrassing me, and i lost ALL of my depression. also, My family, being a normal every day kind of family, Understands and supports my marijuana use, and my parents dont look down on weed or me for smoking it regularly, and they dont consider it a "drug". Im posting this to show how weed, has made my life better, and made me a better person. And im still the same person inside. Ive managed to keep my grades crisp, Im more involved with my family, and i have still kept all my hobbies/interests, Ect. Ive even found more new hobbies like painting, drawing, Mixing techno, sculpting, and so on. I also never have to deal with my insomnia anymore, weed is the only thing that gives me a good, long, resting, sleep, and i fall asleep almost instantly now. If i hadnt turned to weed, i dont know where i'd be. I love where i am, who i am, and the life im living. Thank you so much, maryjane. You've changed my life. Now, my question to YOU is, has weed changed your life? If so, how? Good or bad? Ect. -Tucker
I feel for you man. I have a gay friend and he went through hell when we were in high school. I smoked him out, and his outlook on life changed completely.
People are so ignorant and immature in high school, don't let that bother you. Keep on toking if it's helping you
yeah, and i think because ive been smoking so long, by first meeting me, and bein friends with me, you'd never even think i'm gay, im not at all girly, and i act and look straight. thats how smoking has helped make a lot of friends and gain alot of my confidence back. God Bless Tha Bud.
Kids. Really. Keep on keepin on man, sounds like a positive impact. MJ has helped me a lot over the years, more so with social anxieties and definitely sleep related issues. More power to yah!
damn weed helped me 2. i used to be depressed(not enough 4 pills) and shy. Now i am more sociable, happy, and also have a better taste in music
Sorry chico but it's smoked up*. Smoked out is a completely different thing you shouldn't be doing to men -Leaf
I love how you only have like ten posts and you think you're hot shit. Just please leave the forums if your going to send bad vibes.
By the way OP glad to hear about your life changes. Same thing happened to me when I was in high school, I met all my close friends through bud. Before that I was just another socially awkward teenager, but thanks to weed, I was able to survive the rest of my high school years.