Martin Luther King Island

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Brumac, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. In Haiti - Rape, murder, cannibalism, torture, kidnappings, gangs - its business as usual down there.

    Our economy is in a death spiral and were going to rebuild Haiti. Obama vowed to rebuild Haiti - say it aint so! He alluded to the notion that its Americas fault they are in this situation.

    I guess Haiti will be the 51st state... Were going to rebuild Haiti but how do you polish a turd?

    We should now call Haiti ......Martin Luther King Island. If were going to throw away money to rebuild a third world hell-hole, shouldn't we at least fix up Detroit first?
  2. thats racist

  3. Source for where obama said this?

    and Hatti is only half of that island, the Dominican Republic owns the other half.
  5. I really just wanted to type 'you're a prick' and be done with it, but that would be immature.

    Haiti is a fucked up place; it was still considerably fucked up before the earthquake, now even more so afterwards. But do you ever wonder why fucked up places are fucked up, especially when there are so many clear examples of non-fucked up places in the world like the good old US of A?

    Crack open a history book and you might learn a few things, but for a brief, rather stylized take, check this out: Haitian Earthquake: Made in the USA |

    Before you get concerned as to whether or not the US is spending too much money on creating Haiti's infrastructure, could you at least have the decency to wait until the dead bodies have been cleared from the rubble?


    No, you know, seriously, what the fuck? I understand trying to be financially responsible, to be reasonable and rational in all situations, but how the fuck can a person look at what's going on in Haiti right now and think "aww jeez we better not give them too much of our money" :confused:

    I mean for Christ's sake, we're all human beings and the absolute cost of giving these people basic amenities of life is so low compared to the cost of economically stimulating a country like the U.S.

    So, nevermind what I said before: You're a prick.
  6. Where is Africa's assistance?

    I'm sorry I am not going to celebrate death and destruction, but I agree, I won't donate shit to Haiti, we pay enough in income tax.

    Thats right continue to blame Haiti's situation on the U.S. because of arms dealers...Your going to have to come up with better than that. Continue blaming every other countries ill fate on the U.S. Like I said, with our own woes look for Haiti to become the 51st state...sigh

  7. Thankfully you are in the minority in your thinking here...

    Politics does not come into it in situations like this..
    Obama , Bush and Clinton appealing together..
    Hint Hint HINT !!!
    This is not a time for games..
    People follow their hearts and do what they can..
  8. Obama has politicized this...

  9. I know this is off topic, but I was just wondering, from your name, do u live in washington state (area code 425).
  10. Ah, what a shining example of compassion. Your mother would be proud.

    Please step out of your fantasy world that's based on US, RICH, WHITE= ALWAYS GOOD and FOREIGN, POOR, DARKIES= ALWAYS BAD. Reality is more complex.

    You can disapprove of the current admin. and still give a shit about unfortunate people. They're not incompatible beliefs.
  11. Nah, my burfday is April 25th
  12. I trust the red cross!

  13. Sarcasm? Why? I'd put my trust in an NGO before any government.
  14. The Red Cross has long been used as a vessel for exploitation. Wall Street wouldn't have started the Bolshevik revolution had it not been for the Red Cross, which they used as a way into Russia.

    Just because it is not government operated does not mean it isn't privy to the same levels of corruption.

    If she understood economics, she would. The compassionate thing would be for Obama to stop squandering what little US wealth remains and helping us get our house in order, rather than paying for some friends to go down to Haiti and get rich.

    He should cut the size of US gov't in half, cut the income tax in half, and then we'll donate twice the amount he pledged to steal from us because we're so awesome.
  15. Right on...
  16. Why would one call it "Martin Luther King Island"? Not quite sure what you're getting at here...
  17. Wish I was down there right now, folks look like they need some help. Fuck giving them money, I'd rather give them my body to help clear some of that rubble off of people, or hand out food, or whatever needs done. Though if I had any excess dough I'd gladly donate it anyways.
  18. So not donating to the victims of the quake is good because it says something symbolic about the inefficiencies of government or something?

    As far as the Red Cross goes, whatever their opinions on Russian revolutions, for the most part it seems like their services are generally appreciated by those in a disaster zone.

    And corruption? $1 to an organization that embezzles 99% of the donation and gives 1% to the quake victims does more for the Haitians than giving them jack shit.
  19. The government will take donations via your income tax, don't worry you won't have a choice...

  20. I thought you were talking about Obama pledging $100 million dollars to spend how he sees fit, not actual individuals donating. If its voluntary and goes where the people choose, then of course I support it.

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