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Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by anarkin, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. I had chemo again yesterday and the doctor pulled me aside to ask if I still wanted marijuana (last time I was in they said it was against polocy to prescribe marijuana) anyways, I now have a prescription on marinol and plan on taking the first one this afternoon, I was wondering if anyone on here has tried marinol before and if the "high" feeling is the same as marijuana's high.
  2. Sorry to hear about you having to go through chemo and such, it must be a pain, really. But I can't say I've ever tried Marinol. Just take the normal dose and see how it goes, if I'm correct, I think it's just THC concentrated some how, isn't it? If so, I don't see how you could OD on it... So pop a couple. Update us on how the "high" is.
  3. I've heard the high isn't as strong as smoking or cooking regular kind bud.

    Its dulled down a bit to prevent a strong patient high.

    Im not 100% sure on this, but it would make sense.
  4. u most certianly can od on marinol, u can od on just about any pill even vitamins... thinking u cant just because it is thc is stupid
  5. Even if you just sat there and ate Marinol, you'd never be able to reach the toxicity level for THC.
  6. Hey buddy, shut the fuck up. That's common sense, of course you can OD on it, shit, you can OD on water. I was just saying theres got to be some room to take more than the reccomended dose without OD'ing. Sorry for being an asshole but you don't call me stupid you fucking prick.
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  7. I have a friend who took some and really liked it and I've heard that although it's good... it's definetly not quite the same. You're lucky that you got at least that though... have fun with it. Make your own pills some time, they're much better if you follow the right recipe/instructions.
  8. I plan on taking one or two this evening or tommorow even if Im not nasuaes (SP?) just to see what they are like, I'm not worried about ODing on them, I only have 5 pills and I can take 2 every 6 hours so ODin is pretty near impossible for me. Ill update about the high as soon as I can, if I don't like the high Ill just take some normal Mj to calm myself I geuss.

    AFD: they call it "Drabinol" but it says that it's just a concentrated extract of THC.
  9. GOOD LUCK with the Marinol. I am very curious myself what affects you will feel. SORRY to hear about your having to go through the CHEMO, but PLEASE KNOW we are ALL pulling for you.//Timothy(aka COmidnightrider46)

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  10. I took one of the 2.5mg ones when i was smokin a blunt. I got fuckin SUPER MUNCHIES!

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