Marinol (Dronabinol) 100% pure THC. Proven mainly ineffective.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by cmann303, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. I didn't really want to get into Sativex, because I was mainly comparing Marinol to Marijuana because of the misconception that they are almost alike. Marinol has been used as a substitute for at least the passed 20 years. Sativex is more recent.
  2. Speculating trying out a few, but I am very curious to ask. Would taking Marinol (with 1-4 hour appropriate time window) and then smoking Cannabis after the time window increase the psychoactive effect?
    The only reason I am trying this is because I have consumed massive amounts of THC/CBD (from organic grown) edibles before (over 5000mg THC/CBD [and yes it was decarboxylated]) and felt nothing , not a mood change or even the munchies. I was sane, basically. I have tried all methods in spacing edibles throughout the day.
    The only thing that intrigues my hunch is that Marinol is synthetic, not plant based. This is supposed to be a pill that trigger THC effects on everyone. It would be nice to have a good CBD ratio, but that's why I have a high CBD based bud handy today.
    Maybe my body does not have the right enzymes (guessing) or misses the metabolic response and slips right through.
    If one did take 20mg Marinol, would smoking a higher ratio CBD or THC bud be better for the experience/medicating, if it works? 
    Would eating a marijuana edible and taking marinol together improve the synthesis of "medicating" the body to a higher extent? Because one is "organic" and the other is "synthetic". One probably does the job better, but when marinol activates the THC effects an edible with high CBD would really help medicate the body! Almost like slightly sedating to allow your body to breakdown the healing properties one introduced.

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