Hello GC members. Right now im making a thread about ganja vs booze. Me personally, ill pick ganja hands down over drinking any day.Ive seen so many bad things happen mainly because alcohol was involved.I dont want to sit here and bad mouth alcohol because everyone should know its not the drug its the person that does stupid shit. Ive never been able to understand why people like to drink then go out and fuck shit up its retarded. I see alot of military guys drink thier asses off then go and get into trouble because they got in a wreck or went to walmart and got in a fight with a complete random. Another thing is i dont see why the government allows people to "drink responsibly" when majority of the people ive seen arent responsible at all when they are drinking. If people can drink then why cant people smoke bud? i just dont understand it. Drinking causes so many health problems and complications its just baffling to see how people drink like that. I know there are people that dont do anything stupid while they are drinking...those are the good people.The same goes for people who smoke and then go fuck up and blame it on because they were high. Im making this thread mainly to get people views on it.Like i said im not a drinker, ive drank a bunch of times and got sloppy drunk but i just dont see how being drunk is appeasing.Ive never gotten that sick smoking, ive seen my friend throw up because he tried to be a bad ass and clear a 4 ft bong while never ever hitting a bong in his life, but other than that...ive never had any problems with ganja. It helps me study,im completly functionable ( unless i smoke some medical shit i dunno why but it floors me) So if anyone made sence of my rambling and babbling then post your views, i love to hear em.just dont start flaming or acting like a kook. safe and happy toking people
I like the herb better for sure. And completely support legalization. I just think alcohol is different in that it is a a much more social drug...
i agree i like to smoke more than drink most of the time. but i do like to drink sometimes. drinking is just more of a social thing, maybe weed would be too if it were legal, but going out to bars and meeting people and getting drunk is pretty fun. probably has alot to do with alcohol lowering inhibitions, which is good and bad, so you end up doing things that you would not normally do and that can be fun. i used to love smoking and drinking together but i dont like it much anymore. if i smoke first i dont feel like drinking and if i smoke when im drunk i pretty much black-out instantly most of the time, or just go to sleep.
thats what i dont get i know alot of people who mainly drink so they black out. why do that to yourself??
well.. if someone drinks to accomplish a black-out... that's a pretty good indicator of alcoholism, i'd say lol
haha same here man. except when i start drinking and smoking i just get horrible spins and usually end up by a toilet for the night. oh and marijuana > alcohol anyday. theres a million reasons why i think its true but i'm really baked right now and don't feel like typing them haha
Alcohol wins no matter what. Its legal, its socialy accepted. Its what most college parties revolve around. Depending on what you do with your life it can vary. I weight lift 5-6 days a week, I need my lungs. Those that say weed does nothing to your lungs must have never done any rigorous exersise. After smoking for 1 week I notice a large difference. Alcohol on the other hand can cause liver/kidney problems over long periods if time. Another thing with weed is that it gives me memory problems if used for periods of 1 month or longer. Also after a life time of usage people in their 50's start loosing their shit. May not be a direct result of smoking but it deffinetly contributes, atleast in all the cases I saw. Keep both in moderation and everything will be fine. You will not get an equal ammount of views from a website called ''grasscity''. Try going to a pure alcohol forum and asking the same question. Its like you are trying to reinforce your own ideas by asking a one sided community.
it shouldnt win just because society accepts it...most people dont smoke because its illeagal but if it was legal they would. i understand what your saying tho...but im not joining any alcohol forums to prove my point. smoking affect people dfferently, you could either loose your shit or just keep up with it.my memory is fine, only reason why i dont remember some things is because i had 3 concussions. but you stated your opinion and i respect that. be easy with the working out man.
I get sloppy drunk. Then I do it again and again. This makes me question why... First, drinking starts off being fun, being buzzed, feeling more social Then, it's just like man, let me keep drinking, i don't think i'm getting drunk Then, blackout. After, "Oh shit I did whaaaat last night??..HAHAHAHhaha." Idk, that's my story, it's stupid i know, and I'm lucky about a lot of things. But main point is: It's fun for me, everything turns fun. With weed, I'm not as hyper/acitve, therefore I don't really do as much that I would have stories about...It's mostly like things I do sober and intensify to make more awesome.
Definitely marijuana it should be legal it does less harm than alcohol. I'm getting drunk right now because I have to get a job and cant be smoking. It sucks I would much rather be getting high but NOOO that's illegal.
Thats true, but I love drinking and will always drink. (unless the doctor tells me to stop ofcourse.) I think I'd rather drink than puff, since I'm more of a social person.
I'm probably less of a social person than most people so I can see that, even though I become more of a social person when I'm drinking I prefer to just be high and chill with maybe 1-2 people but I'm fine by myself too.
iim a very active and social person when im high or not. i guess it depends on the person. drinking just isnt fun to me. i hate the spins i hate to puke i hate blacking out but i like jack daniels, its the only alcohol that taste decent to me, but 2 shots will have me destroyed so i guess that makes me a leightwieght.
I'd rather smoke than drink granted drinking is legal but its friggn expensive like a drink can go for 7 or 8 bucks that's almost a dime! plus drinking gives you courage to do people/things you normally would avoid whereas smoking you chill and not make a fool of yourself. Don't get me wrong I enjoy drinking I'd just rather smoke than drink.
last time i drank i think i tried to wrestle a pit bull.... maybe it was my stupidity but i know for damn sure i wouldnt have done it if i smoked lol
oh man I was just watching this show called I was bitten and this older lady got pwned by a pit bull no lie it fucked her up hXc. It jumped a fence and headbutted her then started fucking her up.
BAHAHAHA are you serious? im going to look that up on surf the channels or something. i saw a video on youtube a while back of a dog jumoing out of a back of a moving truck and raped some random...it was in super slow mo and the guys face was pricless. it was a chow chow too....those furry bastards
yea id rather drink... cuz at least i can forget all my problems after i get hammerd ass drunk but when im high... afterwards its just like whatever, i just feel lazy whereas when you drink... you can end the night happily and kabanged then just pass out, maybe even get laid