Marijuana withdrawal is so real

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Hullabaloo42, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Eh I dont find it that noticeable, I do notice that I have a very tough time dealing with stress without weed, my already short fuse gets shorter haha. Trippy dreams for sure sometimes really weird creepy ones
  2. #22 Frankie2017, Oct 24, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
    Marijuana withdrawal is a hard subject, because there are so many reports of so many different things, some people do not have any withdrawals no matter how much or how long they smoke. Others go into depression because they are dependent on it. It depends on several factors such as age, weight, how much and how often, what underlying conditions you might have before you started smoking pot, the REASON you are smoking pot, and there are plenty more. Dependence and withdrawal symptoms are more likely to affect those who start at a young age. The brain isn’t fully developed until you’re in your mid 20’s, so in all reality, nobody should ever smoke it before they’re 25. I started when I was 23 and I have no problems whatsoever. I’m 26 now and still smoke everyday. I take tolerance breaks every 2 months, for a week and I have no issues at all. However if you’re unfortunate enough, withdrawal from marijuana can last anywhere from a few days to as much as 2-4 weeks. You’ll know you’re withdrawaling if you start feeling edgy and irritable when you don’t smoke. The irritability can occur in as little as 3-4 hours after your last toke if you smoke all day, everyday. A good idea is to take a tolerance break at LEAST once every 4 months, it doesn’t have to be long, a few days to a week. And don’t stop cold turkey, try to cut the doses by half each day then take the tolerance break. This will give your receptors a chance to normalize and stay in good health. Hardcore pot smoking can down-regulate your CB receptors in the brain, causing you to use more and more and eventually using enough to become dependent on it. This can cause irritability and anxiety, even when using the drug, though this can be much worse when not using it. The rule of thumb that I’ve always gone by is no more than 2g of dank flower per day, and no more than an eighth on weekends. It’s ok to smoke everyday without having withdrawal if you stop for any reason, you just have to moderate it. If you normally smoke 5 grams a day, start packing slightly smaller bowls and work your way down to 2 grams. Don’t light one up right when you wake up. Wait a little bit into the day for your first toke. You’ll feel a lot better and the withdrawals will be much milder and quicker to fade. Weed is not an aggressive drug but neither is caffeine. But if abused habitually, yes, you could run into problems.
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  3. Life is far more "bitey" without weed for sure. When I'm sober things bother me and life feels a bit too vanilla than when I'm stoned.

    So yeah, pretty sure weed is a bit addictive unless your life is interesting or you travel a lot.

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  4. You realize that same statement can applied to any substance right? Anything can be addictive including music and water.
  5. That's odd, as I have never once experienced this before. I have felt withdrawal and longing from coffee, alcohol, video games, junk food, music, even sunlight and exercise but never cannabis.

    Certainly there are moments when I feel like, "ah this is a good time for a joint" but it's never been strong and usually passes quickly. Quitting coffee, world of warcraft, video games is way way harder!
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  7. Bottom line is the "mind" which we identify with along with the "body" as being our BEING albeit false as hell, needs continual stimulation OUT THERE as if that is where contentment or the essence of a satisfied life is..

    Seems to me much better to just go with the flow, get in rhythm with the natural laws of life... everything is cyclical, from ocean waves, to earth rotating, moon, etc.
    BREATHING is indeed a similar rhythm to say the ocean, in & out, ebb & flow...

    Many breathing techniques help us to center / anchor in the HERE NOW and step out of the ADDICTION of ESCAPE from these temporary forms (identities)... never been one to do video games as i see it as pure folly, yet was addicted to trading stocks not realizing it too was similar but having a connection to so called "real time / real world" events unlike video games...

    Anyway, some Alan Watts YT videos can be helpful although he allegedly died partly due to excessive alcohol intake on a regular basis at age 58 or so. had a bad heart too but not sure how much the drinking contributed to that... thing with ZEN which he basically used is there are no no's so ppl in the old days continued smoking cigs and drinking while practicing the art of waking up from the dream we call life...
  8. Withdraw symptoms are real when you quit anything you've done daily people. It's not specific to cannabis or any other substances. I don't why everyone acts this a weed only problem. You get similar symptoms when quitting alcohol and caffeine.
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  9. No you don't. Caffeine and alcohol are physically addictive albeit caffeine not near as bad.

    I've smoked since I was 15, daily, years and years 5-8 times a day, years of gravity bong use even. I've taken breaks for different things before and never felt a bit of any withdrawal or really any difference in focus/clarity. I can go without it any time with zero problems, everyone's different but this is my experience. I would say you're psychologically addicted maybe, but not physically. Now I can go without weed, but take away my gaming, motorcycle, jet skis, then I'm all outta wack. I need my thrills.

    You were mixing uppers and liquor then you wonder why you're all fucked up lol. "Must be the weed!"

    Reminds me of the time my best friend downed a fifth and some of jaeger super fast then blamed the small two hits out of my bong for when he was fucking trashed like an idiot.
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  10. I haven't had any cannabis in 2 wks. Nothing, nada and I feel just fine. Do I miss it? Yes, I do, but I have no physical nor mental issues without it. It, simply, is not addictive.
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  11. I took a break a few months back and the only thing I experienced was unmotivated for like 2 days but, I still did what I was suppose to do, just had to make myself do it.
  12. I should of been more specific in my definition. I'm not saying cannabis is physically addictive it isn't. I'm just suggesting some NOT ALL people have a possible tendency for mentally being addicted to the activity of smoking not the cannabis or THC itself. I find that I like to smoke or vape or do something I can inhale and exhale. So I feel I have a little mental addiction to the act of smoking. However I realize it's unhealthy so that's I only smoke cannabis or vape sometimes. It's not about THC cannabis for me was easier to quit than stopping video games. However I take breaks from anything to prevent mental addiction because addictive personally run in my family. I'm not saying suggesting anyone is dependent on THC whatever.
  13. I believe in withdraws from weed. Right now I'm not smoking for like a week to get my tolerance down... And when I don't smoke I wake up nauseated, can't eat, it's hard for me to sleep at night, and I get head aches.
  14. Weed withdrawals are super real.
    Every time I try to stop smoking my eyelid start to twitch I can’t eat for several days I start vomiting every hour and develop a rash on my toenails.
  15. Well you do know that cannabis is used to treat nausea, stimulate appetite and help one fall asleep and sleep undisturbed for 3 hours or so at a time or longer i'm sure...
    decades ago on new years eve i consumed about 3/4 of a 750ml of Wild Turkey whiskey and got really nauseated to the point close my eyes the room would revolve... felt like i would upchuck but something told me to take a few hits off a joint... did and no more nausea it was an instant cure...

    This is medicine, no joke... sure some joke about being "patients" when they have no apparent illness but it is real natural medicine...

    for whatever reason you are taking a break from cannabis i support you in that, i find it is good to clear the system for from a week to a month now and then, even a few months if everything is peculating along.
    But try to wean yourself off something like Ativan/Lorazapam or similar.... not easy.
  16. I quit for over 10 years while my kids were growing up. My insomnia never went away. I couldn't fall asleep and if I did, I couldn't stay asleep. This led me to my current addiction to doctor precribed sleep medications.

    Then I got a DUII a year ago from this last October for having weed in my urine. I got stopped by a cop on the freeway and it's on your driving record when you have a medical card because you have to show your license to
    get a card. So the judge ordered me into drug abuse classes which I couldn't start until I could pee clean, which took almost 3 months.

    Now I have been clean since December and going to ridiculous drug abuse classes and I can't smoke til June. So by then I'll be clean from weed for 6 months. The only reason I can sleep now is from the medications I got the last time I had to quit.

    My son in law had to quit for his job and he can't sleep either. It's been quite a few years since he had to quit and he still has horrible sleep problems that he didn't have when he was an every day smoker.
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  17. i found a natural herbal combination that i take for sleep sometimes... it only puts me under for 3 or 4 hrs so i take it like at 1 am if need be... it is at a local store however not in every city or state... but one key ingredient is melatonin you can find anywhere... best not to try it with the prescription meds most likely... hope you can get off them in the near future... good luck..
  18. #38 Lemonfox69, May 19, 2018
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
    There's definitely withdrawals from weed, weed-smokers never like to admit it though. I will though because i understand like anything else when abused and used daily there are consequences. It should be used at times of severe stress and only as medicine, when use further its psychologically taxing.

    The moment i stopped abusing it and only when needed i learned so much more from the plant, i connected with it better, i healed more efficient and i learned and could apply its teachings. When abusing i could not see shit, i was blind as a rat, using the substance to escape to the higher vibe only to deal with the exhaustion of energy the next day until i get high again.

    I had to stop because the more i was using it i felt like it was depleting my happy chemicals in a sense, the next day if i were to be angry the anger would be far worse and far more uncontrollable as with other issues compared to when sober and not abusing.

    I think switching to CBD to heal instead of THC and easing down is the best way. You can reach the cannabis high naturally, it just takes a lot of self-work, meditation and healing.
  19. Don't stop yourself from a THC bowl every now and, again. Just buy little amounts so you don't have to abuse it you can have just enough that good THC buzz. I'm an everyday smoker still because of personal issues. :/
  20. #40 Lemonfox69, May 20, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
    Yeah i still get high sometimes but it has become more of a spiritual/healing experience for me these days, maybe once a month or every 2 - 3 weeks a small amount becomes such a Enlightening Experience compared to when i smoked every day it just feels like drug, slightly fixed my mood and feeling stoned where when i do it less often i actually feel in a higher state that all the problems and worries i had become meaningless and understood from this heightened perspective but i never get this from having it too often, it just seems to drain me more and cause more negatives than positives.

    I also believe CBD may be the missing link because strains these days are bred for THC and their chemical balance is nowhere near how it was originally found in nature. When i smoke strains that grow in the wild or strains that have minimal human manipulation, i never really notice any negatives next day. I also notice less withdrawals when i take CBD oil with my smoke.
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