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Marijuana Withdrawal HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MexicanSkater, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Ok, so i recently stopped smoking pot, i had like 3 weeks without smoking anything then all of a sudden i'm sitting in class and i feel high. and everything started to move slow.

    i don't know what is happening. at first i thought it was a flashback but then i start to feel like this for days. Now, the trips are less intense but i still feel high. i feel like i'm in a dream and can't get out of it, i literally feel high all the freaking time. is this part of the withdrawal symptoms? or is this something else?

  2. welcome dude! and idk what to tell you. try smoking again and see the effects.
  3. i wish i felt high all the time...
  4. this is why tbreaks suck!
  5. can't be a withdrawal since it's not addictive, but sounds like you are either new to smoking OR your brain's receptors are recuperating, no big deal it will go away
  6. yea i'm fairly new to smoking. like i smoked only 5 times and stopped. but the quality of the herb was amazing. the first time i smoked and i was completely baked. like seconds felt like hours it was awesome and i only smoked 2 joints!!!

    oh and thank you!!! :D
    i hope i feel better. but how long do i have to wait for it to go away? (i have exams this week lol)
  7. sounds like a panic attack or derealization / depersonalization
  8. yea yea yea! that's what i thought too. i feel like im going through derealization it's scary as hell yo
  9. "only" two joints? hahaha when i first smoked i only took 2 hits and i was baked you must've been wicked high. gotta try that some time :smoking:
    back on topic- idk what to tell you man. good luck. if it gets bad, go to the doctor. better off fined than dead, but i seriously doubt that anything is wrong with you

  10. yea i mean. i can think clearly, but it's probably because i stopped smoking suddenly and everytime i get hungry, i feel high xDD it's weird as hell
  11. Sometimes, when I'm dry for a long time, I start to feel slightly buzzed. It usually happens when I'm doing what I usually do when I'm high, such as driving with the windows up and the sun blaring on me, or surving the internet
  12. it's just a daze, sometimes you go into them, it usually happens to me when I'm bored,
    you just turn your brain off and veg out,
    it also happens to me when I don't get alot of sleep
  13. Take a tbreak, you shouldn't have to feel abnormal when sober.

  14. well that's what i did. i took a break so i could concentrate on the upcoming exams but seeing as how i feel baked all the time without smoking. idk anymore haha :(
  15. Man that is crazy.... have you ever used anything else like lsd or mushrooms?
  16. sorta similar question...
    last night i smoked 3 hits of mids from my one hitter.
    I got high- like i knew i was baked. there were like a few periods of time when i felt sober, then back to feeling high... it was weird.
    is this normal? maybe i was just really tired
  17. yea i tried shrooms like 3 times last year but i didn't really effect me afterwords like pot did :S
  18. I smell a Troll...:cool:
  19. this is just a suggestion, but when your "highs" happen, try thinking in your head that you aren't high. and for the dude who said weed isn't addictive, you are completely wrong. no weed is not physically addictive, and there are no physical withdrawal symptoms. but it is indeed mentally addictive, and the withdrawal symptoms you get are all in your mind. so it can be overcome. i have a buddy who smoked 4 times a day for like a year straight and he quit suddenly. he said he went through rediculous withdrawal symptoms in his mind and wanted it so bad, but eventually he over came this.

  20. dude, you don't know how much better this makes me feel reading this. thanks dude i feel better now. just thinking i'm not high, makes me feel alright, but i do have one question though, when will this feeling go away???

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