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Marijuana was designed to be consumed by everyone everyday like food and water

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ranger Smith, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. #1 Ranger Smith, Nov 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2011
    Cannabis Sativa was designed to be consumed by everyone, every day, throughout the day, much like food and water. It is an essential to life and happiness of the world. The only reason it is illegal is because the government likes to control the way people live.

    Without the government interaction, and if the world followed nature as it should have occurred, every person on earth would consume marijuana about as often as they eat or drink. It was designed to be an essential part of the human experience.

    This is the reason why it MUST be legalized. I wrote a thesis on this subject, and did lots of research and conducted interviews with multiple professors, and have studied documents dating back to the Mayans, and all of these findings support my claim.

    I am a history major, and through thorough research into documents from the beginning of America, I can conclude my theory is correct.

    Back in the early 1800's, most parents would cook cannabis into their children's food in order to increase their ability to learn, and to focus. Most children were given marijuana about twice a day, and in rather large doses.

    On Christopher Columbus' boat, hashish was smoked out of pipes to pass the time. During the first feast of thanksgiving, Squanto smoked cannabis with the pilgrims as a celebratory gesture before feasting.
  2. I do not know about you but I do not need weed to be happy.
  3. Provide evidence please. I doubt you, but have been researching marijuana heavily for some college essays so some sources would be interesting.
  4. I want what your smoking:smoking:
  5. Very few people on this site, and in the world for that matter, have put the time and effort I have into discovering the origins and real purpose of this herb on the earth.
  6. I fail to see how a plant is designed to anything specific,its a plant...
  7. Its funny cuz he is serious
  8. I smoke weed as much as I eat and drink. Gonna stay that way too. I guess I'm good, according to OP.
  9. If you believe the Mayans why even worry about it. 2012

  10. I've managed to accomplish this even with government interaction........:cool:
    .....Ive always felt the herb went with man just as much as the air we breathe.....interesting.

  11. I think he may actually be on to something though.......
  12. There are theories called the "stoned ape theory" that hypothesises that humans evolved by apes habitually consuming psychoactiv entheogens, which eventually caused our "superior" evolution of intelligence.

    Some make this claim because empirical data shows that our bodies/minds produce drugs such as endo-cannabinoids, opiates, and dmt.

    Now don't go preaching this as the truth because remember, it's still a theory.
  13. Ahaha.. I find that I naturally smoke weed as much (if not more weed) as I eat and drink. I smoke it like it's legal, and that's pretty much the same point he was bringing up. It just feels natural to me, and every human on this planet should be able to enjoy the herb daily (if they choose to)
  14. Is anyone here interested in reading any of my papers I have written on the subject.

    Like I said I have studied just about every historical period and cannabis consumption is prevalent throughout. I have been trying to find evidence that marijuana (or the lack of marijuana {it NOT being consumed on a regular basis like it was intended to}) was responsible for many important events in the world, such as the Holocaust.

    In my paper about the brain chemistry and the effects THC has on it, I have concluded that many of the brain neurons of Nazi's at the time could have been controlled by ingesting cannabis, and cannabis deficiency caused these to go haywire and result to the body's natural defense system. Similar to how someone would attack a human who is causing them harm, in my thesis I believe that the Nazis targeted and killed the Jews because their brains were deprived of the THC that their bodies were designed to have daily.
  15. Ranger you troll a lot on gc so I tend to avoid your thread but this one is alright. I mean I don't really believe the research and professor interview thing, and in europe cannabis wasn't used in the 1800's besides for hemp, mjs cousin plant. Also the whole thing about the children being fed high doses is bs. Cannabis for smoking originated in asia and didn't become common in europe and the americas for a long time and was only highly popular as a smokeable for a short time legalization. ANY REAL RESEARCH would prove me correct
  16. [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']Is anyone here interested in reading any of my papers I have written on the subject.

    Like I said I have studied just about every historical period and cannabis consumption is prevalent throughout. I have been trying to find evidence that marijuana (or the lack of marijuana {it NOT being consumed on a regular basis like it was intended to}) was responsible for many important events in the world, such as the Holocaust.

    In my paper about the brain chemistry and the effects THC has on it, I have concluded that many of the brain neurons of Nazi's at the time could have been controlled by ingesting cannabis, and cannabis deficiency caused these to go haywire and result to the body's natural defense system. Similar to how someone would attack a human who is causing them harm, in my thesis I believe that the Nazis targeted and killed the Jews because their brains were deprived of the THC that their bodies were designed to have daily.[/quote]

    Interesting studies, keep it up. You never know how much impact your research could have one day.
  17. Interesting theory Ranger! I believe our endo-cannabinoids are responsible for emotions (along with many many other things in the body), although other chemicals take part in emotions also.. but the thing is, the more you ingest external cannabinoids, this causes you body to stop producing as many of its own because it notices a new source. So if anything, I would say ingesting cannabis causes an alteration to brain processes, but I highly doubt not ingesting cannabis will cause your brain to go out of sync..
  18. #18 DBV, Nov 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2011
    It's funny though because you say it's technically "necessary" to ingest cannabis, and apparently the soul agrees because it caused our minds to produce their own cannabinoids. These receptor sites in the brain are what allow us to get high..

    I guess the question is, how necessary is it to ingest cannabis when our bodies already make a lot of cannabinoids?
  19. [quote name='"DBV"']It's funny though because you say it's technically "necessary" to ingest cannabis, and apparently the soul agrees because it caused our minds to produce their own cannabinoids. These receptor sites in the brain are what allow us to get high..

    I guess the question is, how necessary is it to ingest cannabis when our bodies already make a lot of cannabinoids?[/quote]

    Those receptors you reference aren't specifically for cannaboids produced by mj, but also natural chemicals from the body, sun, and other a chemical produced from almost every plant cell.
  20. #20 DBV, Nov 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2011
    I know... I'm saying these sites are what allow us to feel mj.

    I guess I can't say I know because I'm quite fond of the stoned ape theory, but either way, they are there, and we don't know why yet. To me, it makes the most sense to chalk it up to "you are what you eat".

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