Marijuana: THC alters DNA

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by slamva, May 25, 2016.

  1. Care to add your thoughts on the subject or are you just gonna spam.
  2. I call bullshit. Who paid for the study?
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  3. dont know but there is another article on the page about a camel taking the head off its owner.:toke:
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  4. marijuana can't cause anything because it doesn't exist. Good story telling maybe.
  5. What do you keep going on about? You boycotting the word marijuana?
  6. From their article;

    In previous epidemiological studies, the link between cannabis and cancer in adults and children, as well as foetal malformations had already been established.

    However, the molecular mechanisms behind this phenomenon had not been explained.

    The latest study, published in Mutation Research & Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, focuses on explaining what can happen to chromosomes when THC – the active molecule in cannabis - is present in the body.

    That is definitely unadulterated bullshit and contradicts well respected studies. especially concerning cancer.

    Found this on Wiki:

    According to an article inMother Jonesmagazine, in the early days of theInternational Business Times,IBT Mediaemployed immigrant students ofOlivet Universityto translate English into Chinese and other languages, working illegally and being paid less than minimum wage. The connection of "the Community," a Christian sect led by a "charismatic Korean pastor named David Jang" with IBT is disputed.[9]

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  7. Precisely. The word itself is what is illegal. The substance cannot be either confirmed, nor denied into existence, if the subject matter itself cannot manifest itself into reality. If i started calling cars wonkytotems, and then banned wonkytotems for being polluters, wonkytotems would be highly illegal and anyone caught talking about them would be criminalized.

    If one man can change the fate of a plant by changing it's name, then we have to change the fate of law by recognizing the faults in the system.
  8. That's so illogical I don't even know where to begin
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  9. That's not your fault. Our laws allow a level 1 controlled substance to be both medicinally invalid and also medical at the same time. Because marijuana is illegal but medical marijuana is not; allthewhile marijuana is still a made up substance.
  10. No its a name of a real substance...
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  11. Don't prove me more correct. Creationism is a wild story. But because the words are there, it is also real.
  12. Pretty much any drug causes an increase in cancer. Eating sugar causes an increase in cancer. Probably, not drinking enough water does this.

    And also taking many drugs causes a change in your DNA. Tons of things cause a change in your DNA. Everytime you get a cold, your DNA changes. Hell, anytime, you have any viral infection it causes a change in your DNA.

    It's not a big deal. Chill.
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  13. #14 Heywoon, May 27, 2016
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
    Their article: Chromothripsis and epigenomics complete causality criteria for cannabis- and addiction-connected carcinogenicity, congenital toxicity and heritable genotoxicity
    (The article is on how cannabis causes DNA changes which are directly linked to cancer development, reduction of tumor suppressor genes etc.)

    At first, when I saw it was published in Elsevier I thought it must have credibility.
    The strong use of language and his highlights being about extremely exaggerated negative general assumptions of cannabis that used to exist in the medical field, had me confused. Although the abstract does seem to go into depth, no exact correlation is actually mentioned.

    I then googled the author's name and found something very interesting: Dr. Stuart Reece: Drug Free Australia’s shameful secret

    He's basically an anti-drug bible head.
  14. Anything that smells citrusy is acidic I mean sativa dominant cannabis tends to be more citrusy smelling however they are biologically almost identical so all cannabis must be just a tad acidic, to my understanding anything acidic causes cancer. Cannabis does "cure" brain cancer though so it's strange!
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  15. I think you're trying to get too "deep" for your own good. "Marijuana is a made up substance"? Because somebody gave it the name "marijuana", it isn't real? "The word itself is what is illegal"? ........This may seem unbelievable at first, and possibly a little scary.....but Marijuana in fact, is a real substance. :huh: Regardless of what you name it. Crazy right? Lol. I love a good in depth conversation but damn...
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  16. Talking to a wall bruh
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  17. i think people failed to see the point. You can form two different words from the same base and have two different mindsets on the words.
    Let's go into drugs for example: a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

    Now, many many many many things constitute what that definition covers. Food, sex, video games, things that make you produce different reactions and chemicals internally.
    But only the drugs that the govt thinks are bad are labeled as such. You don't hear fast food being called a drug although it fits the description and is much more harmful to the body than many others. That's because there is bias in these words. These words are used to control a mindset by limiting what you see as a drug. The media shames this drug and promotes that drug and shames another one based on a political agenda, it seems. Or a money making agenda more likely.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  18. Propaganda machine started by Harry J. Anslinger used bigotry to outlaw cannabis by slandering it's use in the hands of Mexicans, changing the at the time accepted medicine of cannabis into "marijuana."

    Blending languages creates new terms, even if people still don't get why.
    "Si trabajas duro, todo es posible."
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