Marijuana seeds

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Deleted member 568307, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. I live in the US in Florida and im looking for websites that sell seeds but i dont know which ones to trust or if they do deliver them cause i dont wanna get scammed or busted :confused: i just wanna pay with my debit card and get them delivered to my home so i can start growing :D
  2. Go onto grasscity shop and pick from a big selection of companies.
    I use sensiseed bank quality seeds feminized and good prices. Try. Growing powerplant/Ak bumper crop easy grow. :-@:-@:-@:-V:-():-O:p:-9
  3. attitude seed bank... just type it in google i have had 4 successful orders to my house...i always pay $10 extra n they guarantee they get delivered in case they get picked up in customs... most of the time they make it in 7-10 work days. i never had 1 picked up by customs... longest it took was about 3 weeks for an order to get here...oh and word of advice don't make large orders! i would say 30 seeds or less to be on the safe side!
  4. herbies seeds and attitude seed bank are both very good seed bank with a lot of succesfull deliveries to the us

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