i already said it but il say it again 4 the people that reccommend marijuana-seeds-nl,cash order was sent to them under the name420seeds it arrived in uk no questios asked via express post 1month ago,when emailed they replied 1 to 2weeks,so i think cool there responding all good 2nd email dont worry 2 to 3weeks from your region.still they claim to have not received,BULLSHIT i say ,hey once bitten twice shy
What the fuck is your problem dude? 30 odd posts, and nearly everyone of them whiny and bitch like? The last few days have been a pain in the ass finding your nonsense scatterd through various threads. 420-seeds.com and marijuana-seeds.nl websites are both hosted by "Namesco Hosting RSH", and therefor use the same Webadress Bar icon, but apart from that, the similaritys end there. Ever thought perhaps that operating a seedbank isn't legal in every part of the world? and perhaps the places where it is allowed don't have a huge choice of Domain hosters? 420-seeds doesnt have the same stealth shipping method as MJS,nl, and doesnt come close to offering the same range of seeds, their prices are different also. Litrially every Seed reseller, which 420, MJS and even Grass city are, use the same thumbnails for strains, provided to them by the companys their reselling for. I suppose GC is also MJS and 420 seeds, becuase they all use the same thumbnail for their Skunk #1 seeds? Sure, you had one bad experience with mailing a cash order, but if you continue to act like a negative whiner non stop, and insist on slandering other banks without ever having used them, your going to get nothing but negative feedback, and negative Rep. If i had the 500 odd rep pionts required to start spreading Rep, i would have allready Neg repped you, you bring a shit Vibe to grass city.
bitch like well fuck that,they use the exact same mailing address,an im the stupid prick.i aint slandered shit ,i tell it how it damn well is,one bank get that straight mate 42o is marijuana-seeds -nl the exact same address.
No, they aren't the same. If you are going to "tell it how it is", than get your facts straight. As well, calling members names will get you booted out of here pretty damn quick, might want to read the rules, they are stuck to the top of every forum.