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Marijuana Question

Discussion in 'General' started by tellbryanstuff, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Hey all. I live in Norfolk VA. USA. I am having a hard time getting my hands on some really good weed like "northern lights", "White widow". "OG kush" etc. All i can get is skank weed. I am married and have kids so for me to go out and look for it is not an option. I was wondering where u guys get the really good stuff from. Do you order it online? Do your friends have it? Where do they get it? Im willing to pay well for it, i just dont know where to get it.

    please help a fellow marijuana smoker

  2. you are your best dealer, grow your own. Norfolk is a pretty big Navy town, from experience i know its there :)
  3. #3 tellbryanstuff, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2009
    My wife would fucking flip is she found my weed plant. Where in Norfolk :) I cant just walk up to random people and ask them for weed. I will probably go to jail
  4. You can't ask for hookups on GC, so don't be so desperate.
  5. yea like wild will said plus why the fuck would you put trust into someone you cant even see. come on man you got a wife and kids get outta here with that nonsense.
  6. yeah i thought you had a wife and kids lol but your lookin to score weed online gtfo man
  7. Oink Oink
  8. Actually, dude is on to something. It might seem counter intuitive, but growing your own can be incredibly safe. Just don't tell ANYONE where you get it from. Good luck and stay safe.
  9. I was asking if it was possible to get weed online. Im looking for nice stuff cause im tired of smoking skank weed. Since i have a wife and kids does that mean im not allowed to smoke marijuana nemore? Next time dont waste your time posting that usesless crap u idiots.

    Maybe ill try a plant. Thanks for the idea guys

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