Marijuana Propaganda

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by dpgardne, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Here's an article that was recently published online about how we should decriminalize marijuana but keep it illegal. I completely disagree with the logic behind that because it would give more power to the street thugs. The article seems to attempt to distract the legalization campaign currently going on. Please Read and Respond! Here it is:

    A Pot Head Divided
  2. although legalization is the best option obviously, decriminalization is still good and a step in the right direction. It will minimalize the impact of hemp law offenders on the Criminal Justice system which all the taxpayers pay for. We pay for enforcing its prohibiton, which includes investigating/patrrolling, jail and prison time along with inundated court system. Yes, there will still be "illegal' trafficking distributing etc.

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