Marijuana Outdoors : Guerilla Growing Review "The detail and complete step-by-step instructions and pictured examples were invaluable in getting me started." -- an anonymous Swiss grower Product Description 60 Full-color photos, 5 1/2" by 8 1/2" Contains the most current up-to-date source of information on outdoor marijuana growing. available. Novice & experienced will learn how today's growers are achieving record harvests. Cervantes travelled troughout North America, Europe, Great Britain & Australia to learn how growers harvested the best bud in the world. Swiss, Italian, French, Canadian and Dutch gardens shown in detail with complete instructions and examples. The most valuable outdoor grower guide. About the Author Jorge Cervantes is the founder of Van Patten Publishing. Has also written two other "grow books", Indoor Marijuana Horticulture and Marijuana Indoors:Five Easy Gardens. Marijuana Outdoors : Guerilla Growing
I have this book> full of great info, because Jorge is the man... Ive grown strictly on a Guerilla basis since about '94, and while most of picking a site and the general principles of stealth are common sense, this book does have some helpful tips for the clueless. Now go grow!