marijuana now dicriminalized in New Jersey

Discussion in 'General' started by Cannibasity, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. yes finnaly.. for all you garden state tokers its now legal kinda. just waiting for the medical marijuana joint to open up... any day now wood be good..

    it was finny because the other day my friends and i were walking around, chillen. we walked past a bar/store/lounge or whatever and it reeeked of weed .. :eek::eek: now i kinda have a clue haha ..

    cant wait tell i get off my t break so i can smoke a fatty in the park under a tree.... ill prolly even bring sara with me (thats my bong) :)
  2. there's a difference between decrim and medical.
  3. its amazing what people get into their heads. It hasn't been signed into law yet and when it is, its only for seriously ill patients who require it (ie: Cancer patients, AIDS patients, etc... etc..)
  4. what difference does it make

    we blaze regardless.

  5. trust me if there is a will there is a way...
  6. I still don't think you get what that actually is. You, right now, if you got caught with even a dimebag, you would be arrested in NJ. In 6 months, you'll still be arrested.

    Unless you have an extremely serious illness, you won't be protected under any laws.
  7. however, a step in the right direction still deserves credit.

    on a side-note, my mom texted today about how angry she was with this lol.

  8. lololol sorry but you obviously dont live in jersey lol... i live in the city cops around here dont care lol if that was the case i guess everyone in the part of the city that i lived in would be in jail.. with all the crime around here and whatnot i guess the cops have better things to do then throw people in jail for weed.. and if you haven't noticed "minor position of maijuabna without the intent to sell" would never stand in a court room.... do your research gal.. theyd have to send that lil baggy in to make sure it is marijuana, meaning they would have to pay a scientist to do that.. and it wont take just a couple days .. no itll take months.. so it doesn't get done.. and if you cant prove scientifically that what was in the lil baggy was marijuana the judge cant do shit.. so when i case does come up for shit... "minor possession of marijuana without the intention to sell" comes up, it gets immediately closed..

  9. well according to your thing, you're in NYC. I was born and raised in NJ. I've seen friends arrested just for having a roach in their pocket.

    My own brother lost his license for a year for being caught with weed. Also had to pay a shit-ton of fines. Where do you get your information? Its a load of BS.
  10. #11 Dmase7721, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    man new jersey cats are lucky....well it pass in to law cats are lucky...and weedandbombs did you grow up in a big city? Cause I think metro/city cops wouldnt be too anal about alil weed on you or a smell of it...
  11. #12 Cannibasity, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    because i live in new york city and raised in NJ and still have familly in new jersey ... jersey city to be exact and im telling you how it is... maybe you were from a different part of jersey becasue im not lying and NYC and NJ its just a 4 minute train ride away from each other lol

    truue story ... we were pulled over by the cops .. and for our luck me and my just finnished resupplying so cops pulled us over and yes they grabbed our ounce blah blah blah.. took us to the car... took more then half of it.. sprayed it with something , gave us our weed back, which was a little more then an 8th and told us to drive the fuck off :confused: that was the look on my face after it happend..
  12. hahahahahaha you dont happen to live near hoboken? i heard a similar story but not as lulzy
  13. #14 Cannibasity, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    lololol i dont live in Hoboken but, im soo near it. lol im practically there everyday... i work EMT there. cops around here JDGAF wanna know why...... because they all grew up in the city, went to school somewhere here and went to a community college.. majored in criminal justice, and became a cop... so they already know what to expect.... my friends are actually perusing the same shit..
  14. maybe its like that in more urban areas.. but most of the state is suburban and its a whole lot different there
  15. i've only been to long branch new jersey and they were certainly NOT that cool about weed. my friend got arrested there.
  16. small world after all.

  17. well i guess its an urban thing..... it figures, you live in a small suburban town and the cops just go craaaazy for some action lol you live in a big city and they JDGAF lol :D
  18. I can confirm that. I live in jersey city currently and cops around here have way more important things to handle than arresting kids for marijuana.
  19. well most of NJ is small little suburban towns. It seems like the major cities, particularly ones that are more violent - ghetto-type cities (Camden, Newark, etc..) are the ones where cops have more important fish to fry.

    I grew up in central jersey near New Brunswick.... people get popped left and right for tiny amounts... its really sad.

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