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marijuana myths

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hdth, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. hey just a collection of myths iv heard of feel free to comment on them and add some i havent mentioned.

    -Bongs reduce thc intake due to the thc sticking in the water.

    -plastic bags produce static cling and remove much of the thc content in your weed

    -smoking from aluminum is harmfull for the body as it may lead to alzhimers. (think about this one aluminums melting point is 1200 degrees, a lighter cant get that hot)

    -smoking weed is good for the eyes.

    -smoking weed increases creativity.

    -smoking weed creates a lack of motivation.

    all the other ones i know of have already been proven.
  2. The bong one is 100% false.
    Smoking weed is good for the eyes, one of the first medical applications for marijuana was in the treatment of glaucoma patients.

    The creativity one is really a toss up because it depends on not only the genetics of the bud, but also the mind of the user.
  3. Aluminum I can almost guarantee is not the ONLY ingredient in the making of tin foil.

    Other things involved will cause cancer.
  4. If you smoke weed you will do heroin.

  5. Aluminum foil is not the same as tin foil

  6. Yeah but thats the best combo, some mexican brick schwag, and then some mexican black tar.

  7. Then I'm a candidate lol:hello::smoke:
  8. -Bongs reduce thc intake due to the thc sticking in the water.
    That can be true, even if it is, the loss of thc in water are so minimal that it is insignificant, and will not affect your high negatively.

    -plastic bags produce static cling and remove much of the thc content in your weed
    I don't know about that but i do hate putting dank weed into the bag because I'll lose all of the trichromes on it

    -smoking from aluminum is harmfull for the body as it may lead to alzhimers. (think about this one aluminums melting point is 1200 degrees, a lighter cant get that hot)
    It's never proven but it is possible, I only uses it as screen when I don't have any screen.

    -smoking weed is good for the eyes.
    Yes, it is, your eye getting red is good for your eye, I forgot why though.

    -smoking weed increases creativity.
    It varies with person probably but overall, I'd say it does make you more creative, I know it make me creative :smoke:
    -smoking weed creates a lack of motivation.
    I did lose motivation when I first started toking but after 3 months, I got motivated like I was before I first smoked.

  9. Lighters burn at 2000+ degrees...

    Fuel and Oxidizer type\tTemperature (Celsius)
    Fluorescent light -60-80
    Incandescent light -100-300
    Cigarettes -288
    Cigarettes -400-780
    Cigarettes -insulated and smoldering\t510-621
    Stove element\t>550
    Match -600-800
    Tungsten halogen light\t600-900
    Candle flame\t600-1,400
    Electrical spark\t1,316
    Bunsen burner\t1,570
    (most organics are about here))\t~1977
    MAPP Gas/air\t
    Carbon monoxide/air\t2,468
    Electrical arcing\t<3,750
    Plasma torch\t~4,700

    Messy but accurate.
  10. it would take awhile for the aluminum to heat up, but maybe its possible. i dunno im high :confused:
  11. If you have glaucoma then cannabis is good for your eyes:D

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