Marijuana may be more dangerous than we thought...

Discussion in 'General' started by XColonelsPrideX, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. I still dont see how 3 joints can equal up to all the harmful chemicals that our put into the cigarettes, that we do smoke.

    The only thing I can imagine them getting at is the fact that they use filters on cigarettes rather in joints their is no filter to filter out I dont know what but hey, people cause speculation over these stupid miniscule myths that we have already known.
  2. Actually where that fact came from is the tar content on the marijuana leaf. There is almost three times as much tar, but lacks all the other chemicals that are put onto cigs. many of us here smoke marijuana leaves?? Usually its the buds.
  3. fucking news ppl every1 knows that! ughhhh im gonna go chill out and smoke:smoke:
  4. greens good for me....i just don't smoke those horrible cigarettes, i could care less otherwise. Got to dit somehow:D
  5. and thats why i use a bong and I don't smoke cigs. haha
  6. i dont smoke joints... i smoke bowls :smoke:
  7. Preach on FattyBoBatty! ha. Just because both tobacco and marijuana buds are smoked doesn't even remotely mean they have the same reaction in your body. One is safer than the other with tons of proof. I hate media. hate hate hate grrrrrrrr
  8. lol, yep. I took a class on American Media and Politics and did a paper on cannabis recently (check my sig).

    Anyway, American Media is highly influenced by various companies and industries that also influence the U.S. government and its decisions. Look up "media consolidation" on wikipedia or google and you will get an array of lists showing the various companies that literally own most of the U.S. media.

    I didn't see the report, but I'm assuming it is too summarized to make any sort of official statement on anything, so fuck them, ESPECIALLY in regards to cannabis.
  9. Hah. and everyone rolls different sized joints. The actual standards that they base their facts on are in typical "wishy washy" government brainwashing form. The only thing dumber than the people telling us this info is the sheep that buy into it. :rolleyes:

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