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Marijuana makes you stupid!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Canadian Bud, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I hear this redundant bullshit all the time and it gets really annoying. I just started toking this year and have made it an almost everyday thing yet my marks have substantially improved. Honestly, my lowest mark is in the lower 80% range and last year they were in the low 70% area. The fact that people call stoners stupid might be true, but in the case that this happens they were already dumb anyway. The worst part is they use this as some sort of excuse to hide behind every time they do not succeed which really deteriorates the stoner reputation. In reality if you try and were smart before you started smoking you will not have any permanent damage to your intellectual abilities. Anyone else agree or have thoughts?
  2. Not stupid, just apathetic. :hello:
  3. yeah i never noticed a significant difference in my marks. however waking up without the wake-n-bake leaves me demotivated :smoke::rolleyes:
  4. Wake n Bake is my motivation. lol
  5. Yea all my freinds who dont blaze tell me "weed makes you stupid, weed makes your brain cells fry".

    happened today infact.

    and guess what?

    Im high.

    So obviously the message we have to put out is FUCK THEM.
  6. [​IMG]

    im for sure no dummie infact all the dummies i know dont smoke, they all are religious freaks.
  7. this just in!:.....standing on your head while singing yankee doodle makes you piss purple!

  8. +1 :smoke:
  9. For me it is quite the opposite, i become some what smater, depending on how high the normal occurs, short term memory gone, but only interacting with people, for example, i am an apprentice panel beater, the one time i went to work high, (had a hash brownie binge the night before) i was better at my job, i got it done quicker, and made less mistakes.
  10. If anyone says cannbis users are stupid, just tell them about Carl Sagan; one of the greatest astronomers, astrophysicists, and cosmologists that ever lived. He smoked cannabis frequently, he actually enjoyed it a lot. If you're into science and space, definitely check out his series "Cosmos," it's on netflix and on youtube, what an incredible series Carl made. It's even more fucking mind-blowing when you're high. Don't forget to mention our president Barack Obama smoked cannabis also.
  11. If you were stupid before you smoked pot, then you will probably turn out stupid. Generally the dumber people smoke weed in thier teenage years because the smart kids are stressed over grades. At least thats how it was in my school.

    Anyway, just because you smoke doesn't mean your stupid, and it wont make you stupid.
  12. weed seriously has no negative effect on my academia or knowledge in general
  13. Weed makes you stupid but only if its shitty...and you smoke too much...and its only a temporary dumbness.
  14. weed makes me stupid as fuck if i smoke so much to the point where i cant feel my face

    1. ill stand there looking like an idiot
    2. i will have a dumbass look on my face(one eye bigger than the other)
    3. ill laugh at anything
    4. ask me a ? ill reply 5 seconds later

    but thats only if im stoned out of me mind but if i got a slight high or buzz im more confident with what people ask me and ill give my answers more thought.
  15. 'durrr nos it doesn'

    perfect response to that statement
  16. I may not be smart but I can lift heavy things.
  17. you lie!!! last time I tried that all I got was a mouthfull of...... oh wait a minute... ur a meanie!!!

  18. Lift them up and put them down?
  19. #19 ImTheJoker4u2, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    I LOL'd:laughing:
    People think that cannabis makes you "dumb" because they believe that it kills brain cells. They got this belief because in the governments effort to eradicate "marihuana" they suffocated monkeys with smoke in order to get the results to show that this devil drug kills brain cells. In fact it was lack of oxygen, not the cannabis that caused the brain damage. Recent studies have shown that cannabis actually stimulates brain activity, which would explain why musicians, actors, poets, painters, ect. gravitate towards this wonderful plant.

    [ame=]YouTube - Marijuana: Government Animal Testing[/ame]
  20. I can't stand learning about drugs in school. Its always annoying, stereotypical, scare tactics that everybody uses. And the worst part is when my classmates believe that stuff...

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