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Marijuana makes me emotional

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Amped, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I've noticed, since i started smoking weed everyday, im way more emotional... in a good way (I think).

    Like today i was buzzed going to my third period, and this short black guy with headphones on walked by and he was trying really hard not to cry. He looked like a cool guy, and i felt SO bad for him. I don't even know how its possible. I've hardly seen him in my life, he is like a stranger. Yet he walks by trying not to cry and it just gets to me. I felt so terrible deep down and i wanted to just make him happy. I was constantly thinking about this for my whole period... i just couldn't take my mind off it. He looked so hurt... i just wanted to give him a hug and some weed :smoke:

    I feel like I really care about people i don't even know... its indescribable.
  2. I've always been really emotional since I've been through some horrible shit, but weed does make you emotional and not in a bad way. I believe it makes you more compassionate as well. The other day I got really really high, and I forgave myself and my ex for some crap. I hadn't spoken to her in months and decided to after the high.

    You should've talked to him. You might've made his day. :]
  3. I couldn't, he just walked past me like so fast. You know, the feeling people have where they just want to get away from everything so nobody sees them cry. and his lips were like trembling from holding it in. Damn i can still imagine it, i dont even know why i find this so sad :( Even now i cant stop thinking about it and it was hours ago.

    It does make me more compassionate for sure. And to the cocky assholes and those kinds of people, it gives me the ability to just say "fuck it" :smoke:
  4. lol, ever since you started smoking or vaping? :p

    but i think it just makes people more forgiving. liker little shit doesnt get to me anymore, and i guess i connect to people better.

    ive been finding "sparks" when i talk to people lately.
  5. my mom always used to tell me (until she let me start smoking),

    "Ian, weed turns people into losers and makes them want to just say 'fuck it' to everything!"

  6. and the government thinks we're all drug addicts who leech off society...
  7. It's not just that though, i guess im more forgiving... but i just find that im compassionate to random people now :eek: Like if somebody looks sad, and they look like a nice person ill probably feel bad for them.

    haha, it makes me say 'fuck it' to shit that i realize isnt actually important, and my life would be better just not worrying about it :)
  8. in my opposition it makes you more observant and understanding of others feelings and all the shit we have all been though and all the positives...the herbs is a gift from god that should be cherished, oh wait since the pharmaceutical companies can't make money off it why make it legal, fucked up
  9. Hell Yeah dude, Its weird as fuck because i know if i was sober i wouldnt feel bad about this shit.
    i dont want to tell the story because its pretty long, but i was feeling sad for my friend because he had to walk home and he was baked as shit and so was I. Why was i feeling sad for him? weird shit lol
  10. Dude. You didn't mention MFLB :) and i feel you! I get like that sometimes... rare... but it does happen.
  11. I friggin get teary eyed watching some movies high sometimes? Have you seen Marley and Me?

    Waahhh. :cry:
  12. Yeah man... for sure. Ever since ive smoked bud though, i get these feelings perfectly sober.

    I watched The Blind Side and probably cried like 5 different times cause i felt sorry for that kid
  13. Sometimes an intense emotional song will get a tear out of me
  14. It's good to know other people feel this way at times. Hope for humanity :smoke:

    Honestly Ive been thinking of how many people feel this compassionate about others and we have no clue
  15. Since I've started smoking daily I've found myself to be more social and outgoing, both when I'm high and not high. I just feel like I understand people better now, like I can read into them.
  16. Just the way you described him looking all sad with the trembling lip made me feel bad for the guy. Go talk to him see if he's okay.

    Also just watching TV shows when someone gets harrassed, my sister watches Degrassi and sometimes I watch with her(don't hate), but anyway when the kid who thinks she's a guy gets like thrown into some door I almost cried and when Jimmy got shot.... tramatizing. lol But for real it really does bring out a more emotional side.
  17. I saw him today and he looked fine :) Made me feel good haha.

    I swear ive never seen the kid without his Beats on, i dont think ive ever heard him talk :(
  18. When i'm actually high.. I have been known to cry at films. :( And not just good films.. like chick flicks and shit! Only when i'm soloing it though. ;)

    but yeah, weed just makes me love everything more.. people, nature, inanimate objects.. etc. I once accidentally killed a spider when i was high and i got all sad for like a whole day. :(
  19. Haha same here man... cept the spider part. Spiders freak me the fuck out i dont like them bitches :smoke:

    I saw a dead squirrel on the highway and i almost started crying haha.

    Weed is amazing, makes you such a better person usually :)
  20. Then EVERYBODY must watch Nowhere Boy (John Lennon bio from his teens). That movie has some very emotional scenes and the actors played them really really well or it was the high lol but I was trying really hard to hold back the tears cause my wife was baked too by my side.

    Then I looked at her and I saw one so I figured I could let one out too :D

    On the OP, long story short, I have a past that I'm not very proud of cause I feel and I know that I hurt a lot of people. Including my ex with whom I lived for 3 years when I was just 20 years old. But I had a nice job and that job had a lot of extras, like being constantly exposed to women. And money + women thanks to a "modeling job" well, a recipe for disaster. But not in my 20 year old mind. I'm just 26 now, but it's incredible how people can change and see things differently, time, experience and Mary.

    And that went on for 3 years, she had left her home to be with me, a lot of ugly stuff happen during a lot of time in my life that I'm not proud of. I saw how that destroyed her life at that time, being married and with all that behind me on one of this reflective highs that came to mind and I analyzed everything. I felt so bad, so guilty, it came down to me, how ignorant and selfish we can behave sometimes without any regard for others feelings.

    I don't know if I'd be brave enough to say I'm sorry but I don't think it's a had thing either.


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