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Marijuana legalized in California!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Masta22, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. there are a few. your thread title is incredibly misleading. the legislation is to be introduced, and assuming it passes without veto and the federal government doesn't interfere, it's a possibility.
  2. I just read that, but don't they still have to pass it?.. I guess there's a good chance of these state laws being passed with the economic inflation. I wonder if the feds will continue to override state legislature.. that's the real question
  3. if it is legalized in California, that's a huge step towards our cause.
    nationwide legalization.
  4. I bet this legislation is only in it's rough draft stage though.
  5. Wow... finally. :smoking:
  6. It's a long shot, but hopefully they will see that we are in an economical crisis, and cannabis can and will help us greatly.
  7. yes weed could help out or economy big time
  8. I hope this passes.

    I'm hoping, and strongly believe, weed could be legal or nationally decriminalized within 5 or 10 years.
  9. #10 platoon, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    considering that obama stated that he is going to end raids in california, this might be a good step towards legalization.

    edit: i just read that the standard price would be $50/ounce.... another good reason to move to cali.

  10. sorry i actually read through that really fast andexcitedly so i misread legislation as legilazation but you cant help but hope:hello:

    First cali then the rest of the nation:smoking:
  11. These next few years look promising... though I doubt a nationwide legalization to occur with in the decade, I think a national decriminalization is highly feasible. Less money going to cops to stop kids from smoking and eating cereal alone would do the economy some good...
  12. the tax is $50/oz...not the price
  13. when will we know if it passed or not?
  14. My guess is wait till Obama's second term. I don't think he will even touch marijuana in his first term, as it could (and probably would) prove detrimental to his reelection. That being said, this is certainly a step in the right direction. I'm thinking there could be some major progress towards the end of his second term tho.

    Yes, I know he's only been in office 2 months and his reelection isn't guaranteed. The above is all assuming he is reelected.
  15. Thank you, god

    I read it all excited and I got the part where its like "50 dollars an ounce"

    and I was like :eek::eek::D:smoking:
  16. When the head of the DEA office is found dead with a suicide note.
  17. Make that WORLDwide. XD Us non-Americans need the good stuff too!
  18. funny i thought you couldnt tax marijuana because it is not a processed item. but i agree the 1 way to get this country straight again legalize it and tax it! (not too much tho)

  19. lol:D

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