Marijuana kills.

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by HappyPills, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. But man, people died when they did marijuanas, man, there's like, a person that I know that did 4 marijuanas and he got stupid and then died of AIDS from all 4 of the marijuanas.:smoking:

  2. what the fuck are you talking about...
  3. lol this is funny, kepp it up
  4. What are you talkin bout'...........willis
  5. You won't make friends on here poking fun at weed. Not just that most peolpe or I like to think most people hate kids postin shit on here. Go to school!!!!
  6. Apparently your the only one in this thread that knows that we're in the humor section.
  7. rofl dude this shit is hilarious, if this wasnt the humor section this post would get flamed :p
  8. lol btw whata marijuana?
  9. Sorry about that bad day yesterday and I thought you was on indoor growing
  10. Haha yeah.

    Idk but there's this kid named Tod in my english class and he smoked marijuana cigaretts before coming into school and he was like SO high. It was insane i think he's like a junior, he's so old and cool.

    Lmfao it's all good.
  11. How many weeds did you smoke before you made this thread?
  12. I was trying to smoke this swisher, but my friend had laced it with marijuana. My oh my. I've seen what happens to people who do that stuff in the above the influence commercials. I hope they never legalize it.
  13. how many pots did you smoke?

    Be careful my grandma went to high school with this kid and he tried marijuana once, and he sucked dick for crack because of it.

    That's illegal and I do not partake in said events, :smoking:
  15. you sure you didnt take too many hits from the billabong ?
  16. one day my friend told me he smoked a bowl of marijuana. i was confused because bowls are for eating things, and i was scared because he would die. i called the hospital to see if i could save him, and i am not friends with him anymore
  17. My friend told me he smoked pot once. I didn't understand because I thought pots were for making soup. So I asked him if he smoked soup.

    Then he called me ig'nant and threw soup at my face.
  18. :bongin:

    That motherfucker is smoking my marijuanas. )':
  19. This is a good way to get negative rep man lol.
  20. Dude I heard this one kid did so many marijuanas that he ended up fuckin his mom. Thats why you dont want to mess around with marijuanas scary stuff, 1 puff and your addicted for life.:D

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