Marijuana is a hallucinogen

Discussion in 'General' started by stealthgrower, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. its a intoxicated for the most part.
  2. is it possible that thinking you will hallucinate will help you to hallucinate? i think it definitely is possible and actually extremely probable. that doesn't change the fact that it is still causing you to see/hear hallucinations. if i was sober and i thought oh man i'm about to start hallucinating, and i tried my hardest to hallucinate i would not see shit. on weed i do.
    the fact that it is a weaker hallucinogen and you have never experienced it does not mean it's not a hallucinogen.
    as for the hundreds of scientists, go ask any scientist that knows anything about weed. seriously just pick one at random, they will tell you that weed is a hallucinogen.

    also the definition of a hallucinogen is :a substance that induces hallucinations
    that is strait from marriam-webster, and that is definitely what weed has the capability to do.
  3. #23 Equake, Jul 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2009
    1. it's a intoxicated? that's terrible grammer

    2. Ummm EVERY SINGLE DRUG YOU KNOW IS AN INTOXICANT, (weed, pcp, mushrooms, cocaine, alcohol, meth, heroin, mescaline, ambienCR FFS) so it doesn't mean much when you say that, cause well, no shit; if it wasn't an intoxicant no one would even smoke it, fuck cigarettes to some degree are a fucking intoxicant.

    3. Your retarded and probably 12, fuck you tom and jerry guy.

    I agree yet disagree, the fact the you don't hallucinate while drinking is your own sub-concious telling you, that you cannot hallucinate cause growing up people never told you, you'll become crazy trippy if you drink. Which you don't, but what I'm saying is that there are people who can make themselves hallucinate on will if they want to, one of my friends is one of them, he believes without a doubt that he can turn on and off his mushroom flashbacks at will, but however, what I'm saying is that if you grew up being told, "Don't eat plastic, you'll trip balls." ALL of your life, and then you grew up, and someone was like, "Yo man, let's go do some plastic, it'll be fucking crazy!" And you went, and ate the plastic, you'd probably "trip" It's called placebo tripping, it happens to people, and what I'm saying is that alot of people do when smoking weed because marijuana decreases your ability to use the frontal part of your brain, known as the common sense lobe, and as a result of this, you have a lesser ability to think about, "Well, this is just a plant that I'm smoking that will cause me to become somewhat tired and release mild amounts of endorphins to my brain!". But instead it's like, "Yo man I'm trippin' and seeing sheet dude, wtf was that, omg!?!??!!?!?!?" Because you have a lessened ability to use that part of your brain you have a lack of ability to realize that you shouldn't be hallucinating.
  4. Your placebo hallucinogen theory makes no sense at all...
  5. It really comes down to what you define as a hallucinogen. Marijuana can certainly cause visual distortions and mild hallucinations, but if you have had any experience with psychedelics you'd draw a fine line between that and other 'hallucinogens'. No question marijuana can be a powerful substance, but it comes no where near unlocking the bowels of your mind like LSD or shrooms can.
  6. That's cause your tripping too much balls to understand what I'm saying because you took that hardcore drug called "weed". But anyways I didn't phrase it well enough for people who haven't reached puberty could understand, but...

    Hey FUCK ALL MY OTHER POSTS, pretend I posted this ^^. I agree and label my theory as such.
  7. that sounds like your trying to imply that because it is a plant and natural, not man made, it cannot make you hallucinate. what are mushrooms? they certainly aren't manufactured.

    your argument has so many other contradictions in it that i would point out, but i don't think it would change your opinion at all.
  8. Take a deep breath, take a step back and look how many assumptions you just made... But however No, when I said it was a "Just a plant" I added that in there because the vast majority of plants aren't hallucinogenic so as a result why shouldn't you assume that when seeing a strange plant that it's not hallucinogenic, therefore making it "seem" less harmless in my argument. But seriously I don't want to try and make this argument anymore, if you guys see the boogie man when you smoke weed, good for you. I don't and don't give a shit anymore.
  9. The person driving me mad!!!!!

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  10. Weed can make you trip a little by like making things seem to be pulsing, hearing things, seeing things, etc, but this is nowhere near as intense as lsd, shrooms, etc. The real psychedelics do more then just make you think you saw something or heard something, they make you trip bawlz and completely change your perception of reality.
  11. Like a couple other posters have pointed out, it really depends on what you define as "hallucinogenic".

    Weed stimulates your pineal gland, which will lead to a heightened sense of imagination, but it obviously won't make you see shit that is blatantly not there, like shrooms or LSD or DMT.

    Hell I even had some pretty trippy CEV's last night after smoking a lot of good weed. I would conclude that weed possesses mild hallucinogenic properties in large doses.

    Bottom line, there's no comparing it to a psychedelic, no matter how potent or how much you smoke.
  12. i never claimed that weed was anywhere near as potent as LSD or shrooms. that does not change the simple FACT that marijuana is a hallucinogen.
  13. These people are trying to say "i have done lsd and shrooms so that means that weed isn't a hallucinogen.Thats like saying "i have done coke so that means coffee isn't a stimulant"

    you people need to get over it :smoking:
  14. No, no one has said that at all...
  15. i dont give a shit what it is. it gets me high, that all i need to know.
  16. actually that's almost exactly what they have been saying, and that's a perfect comparison. i couldn't have said it better myself.
  17. The only thing marijuana could be besides a hallucinogen is a depressant, and it damn sure isn't that, cuz marijuana speeds up your heart rate. When I first started smoking it was really trippy, and i've read reports on erowid of people eating large amounts of hash and having very intense trips. You can only get so high smoking.
  18. Haha there is always an adamant person yelling that it isn't a hallucinogen. They obviously haven't been high before.
  19. People actually argue with you over this? It's a fact that marijuana is a hallucinagin, i was under the impression everyone knew this
  20. weed is a hallucinogen and has hallucinogenic properties

    /thread :p

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