Occasionally when I smoke and I see a heartwarming picture or a "cute" song, or even when a friend gives me a really nice compliment, I'll get a crazy sensation all over my body. If I could put it in words I'd have to describe it as a wave of joy and happiness rushing over me. All at once I feel like I love more than I've ever loved before. I always hug the nearest person next to me and tell them how special they are to me. I feel instantly closer with every human being in the planet. Like I understand the plight and harships that each of us is facing and I recognize and sympathize. It's a feeling of universal oneness. It's usually too beautiful for me to face on my own and I end up crying at how wonderful life is at that moment. ...Am I losing my mind?
Not at all. Being high emphasises all your emotions and feeds them back to you in a more pronounced form. There's a bonus: with positive emotions you get an effect whereby any pleasure you feel can grow to a point where it would be called a 'bliss' in Buddhism. You're getting it because you're projecting warmth/friendliness/metta outwards in the instances you quote, it feeds back into you in a more intense way. If you were to just enjoy or have pleasure inwardly, the blisses would be rarer. The more relaxed you are the more this will happen. Blisses are a good sign of mental pliancy in meditation, and would come about with 'mundane' things like feeling happiness for others, or supra-mundane, when considering the true nature of reality. It's a good start getting it naturally. You should find that you can transfer this ability into daily life too eventually. The older you get the harder it'll become to do it naturally, so take advantage of your ability now. MelT
That sounds like a truly wonderful experience. I wish I could say that was a common experience for me. I don't mean to pry, but do you ever experience regular episodes of sadness, hopelessness, anger or depression? I may be over-analyzing and being too critical for my own good, but what you describe strikes as a manic episode. If you find that your emotions can fluctuate in a short period as extremely as that, then you may want to consider seeing a doctor. I don't mean to worry you or anything. I hope my quackish inquiry is unwarranted. What you describe sounds beautiful. Please cherish it - many rarely, if ever, experience such a state.
It's something that anyone can learn to reach with just a little practise. The mechanism works in everyone, it's just learning how to relax properly and where to point your own feelings. There is a book that covers how to reach that very state in conjunction with weed I believe.... MelT
I LOVE YOU <3 I know exactly what you mean Its this beautiful state of being in which everything is perceived through rose colored glasses so to speak I know it happens to me a lot when we are smoking together, its even more powerfull when we meditate together. It starts out just around my head but then feels like my entire body melts away leaving the outline or contained but just instead of being made up of or filled with mater it is pure energy flowing through the container/outline Agreed. Its just about developing your own abilities. What is the book called?
I totally agree. Whenever I get to this blissfulness I'm at my peak point in comfort and happiness and it comes as a result of my exuding positive energy and that energy coming back to me. I definitely appreciate it whenever it happens. Sometimes I feel a little silly, crying because I'm so happy, but it's always worth it when it ends in cuddling with my best friend I would LOVE to better develop this ability and feel this way more often, it's truly phenomenal. Thanks for replying!
hahaha a doctor?! Oh no!Maybe I am crazyy! I think it would be wrong to say I've never had any periods of depression. But I think everyone has. I've definitely had very fluctuating emotions all my life. I'm just a passionate person. When I'm happy, I'm REALLY happy. And likewise when I'm sad I can get REALLY sad. Not to disagree, but I don't think medical assistance is anything I'd like. Not because I doubt in the medical field or anything...but I like the high's and lows. I feel like my experiences are just that more enriched because I'm feeling it wayy more intensely. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Yeah the best way to put it into words is it's a euphoric vibrating energy that goes throughout my whole body or just my head and i've noticed it spreads out from my spine directly behind my heart, which could be like the green ray chakra or something but yeah it happens to me randomly throughout the day and when I'm listening to a good song lol. It makes me feel euphoric and happy and joyus lol
I can relate. I get these overwhelming emotions at times too. It's nice to know other people relate, and understand!
I Love your message, and I love you =) I've lost(freed) my mind too and I also love that. To give love is to be love, and that's who we truly are.
THANK YOU! I love you too. infinitely. i can't even describe how cool it is that you all know exactly what I'm talking about. I wish I could give you all a hug haha
You're seeing the beauty of life? Feeling a part of a great universal experience? Appreciating the closeness of the people around you? Clearly you are under the hallucinogenic spell of the devilweed. You should go at once to the State hospital for the Insane. And give them some of what you are on. Seeing a more beautiful world is no crime.
It sounds like a +4 experience using the Shulgin scale. It's not necessarily a direct effect of a psychoactive being introduced into the system, but more an experience of spiritual maturation and understanding of your place in the cosmos. If you have a chance and love to read, pick up PiHKAL by Alexander and Anne Shulgin. I've had a handful of experiences like that and I wish I could be in your place. Sometimes people lose sight of they're goal when taking a substance and forget that using a psychoactive alone doesn't bring forth enlightenment. It facilitates a change in perspectives, but ultimately requires the user to bring something back from the experience and grow from it.
Hahah truuue. It just comes on so suddenly it's so unexpected. haha I'll be happy to share my devilweed any day!
I definitely agree. I lose sight of it myself, sometimes. I get distracted pretty easily haha. But yeah, once you get that feeling and that appreciation comes into you, it's like no other feeling. That's really interesting. Spiritual maturation and understanding of my place in the cosmos. I love that. I'd love to read the book. Will it explain the Shulgin scale thing you were talking about? I wasn't quite sure what you meant by that.
Yeah, sorry. I was distracted myself in the process of rolling up a fattie to explain the Shulgin scale. This is the exact excerpt from his book PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story. "PLUS / MINUS (+/-) The level of effectiveness of a drug that indicates a threshold action. If a higher dosage produces a greater response, then the plus/minus (+/-) was valid. If a higher dosage produces nothing, then this was a false positive. PLUS ONE (+) The drug is quite certainly active. The chronology can be determined with some accuracy, but the nature of the drug's effects are not yet apparent. PLUS TWO (++) Both the chronology and the nature of the action of a drug are unmistakably apparent. But you still have some choice as to whether you will accept the adventure, or rather just continue with your ordinary day's plans (if you are an experienced researcher, that is). The effects can be allowed a predominant role, or they may be repressed and made secondary to other chosen activities. PLUS THREE (+++) Not only are the chronology and the nature of a drug's action quite clear, but ignoring its action is no longer an option. The subject is totally engaged in the experience, for better or worse PLUS FOUR (++++) A rare and precious transcendental state, which has been called a ' peak experience', a 'religious experience,' ' divine transformation,' a 'state of Samādhi' and many other names in other cultures. It is not connected to the +1, +2, and +3 of the measuring of a drug's intensity. It is a state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness with both the interior and exterior universes, which has come about after the ingestion of a psychedelic drug, but which is not necessarily repeatable with a subsequent ingestion of that same drug. If a drug (or technique or process) were ever to be discovered which would consistently produce a plus four experience in all human beings, it is conceivable that it would signal the ultimate evolution, and perhaps the end, of the human experiment." – Alexander Shulgin, PiHKAL, 1991 His words are the wisest, most intelligent I have ever read. He is one of the original visionaries in the psychoactive world. He is as passionate as Timothy Leary and Terrence Mckenna, but not as overzealous as either of them and more rational and practical as both of them put together. He studies psychoactives under a DEA license in his small lab in California. I've no doubt that reading his book will change you and the way you see the world around you, even if you never experimented with anything other than marijuana and don't plan to. I hope I explained everything. Let me know if you have any more questions. I'm not a 'guru', but I know a lot about his work and about psychoactives. Just remember to keep other drug talk in Pandora's Box.