So many people are stuck in what I like to call "logic lock." We are often taught and heavily advised to use logical thought, reasoning and analytic skills to determine what is right or wrong in our lives, what is good and bad, enjoyable or not, etc. and so on. This can lock you into a bad mindset of wanting the best, most logical and calculated option all the time. While this is not inherently harmful or bad, I find it to be a little misleading. Logic and reasoning are invaluable tools of the human mind, but I find experience to be our greatest ally and teacher. Experience, that is, in the fullest sense of the word. Anything you consciously experience -- the taste of your tea, the feeling of your couch, seeing a beautiful sunset, loving someone unconditionally -- is naturally your number one source of reality, joy, emotion, information, everything! Yet the weak are culled into adapting faux personas that mirror ideals preached to you by the masses, rather than ideals cultivated by you -- the individual, because they are promoted as "safe," "smart," "rational," whatever. Marijuana, at least for me, makes it very easy to enter and sustain the conscious state of experience. This is so crucial and so simple, yet many people cannot appreciate raw experience for what it is. The simplest of things can have a positive impact on you if you simply let them. The experience of feeling safe and grateful that there is a roof over your head and a warm bed for you to sleep in. The experience of smoking some joints with a group of close friends and simply joking and laughing the night away. You must learn to be in the present moment to experience these wonderful things, and if you ask respectfully, Mary Jane will show you this beautiful state of simply existing... with gusto. Namaste.
Hehe I thought you said, "the feeling of your crotch" hehehehehe But yeah, I definitely like it raw too. Also, I think it should be said that it's easy to get stuck in thoughts and feelings when you're high as well. That raw awareness is usually behind a lot of clouds.
So much of life today is made entirely objective in its appearance. Everything subjective is correlated in a way so that people can pretend to understand it. So many find the subjective foreign and scary because it is not of this lack luster vapid objectification of todays' subject matter. The subjective experience is open to the entirety of infinity. (thats my experience as I understand it) Great subject matter OP. 11/10 Thread.