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Marijuana Haters You Can't Stand

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by PuffnPass, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Hi Grasscity,

    seasoned toker here who still has to hear his mom hate on marijuana and my lifestyle which involves pot. Their everywhere, mary jane haters who like to take the side of Government, Religion, and testimonals by dumb ass ex-stoners who I hate. You know the people who quit pot then spend the rest of their miserably sober lives telling others its bad as if to convince themselves because really they might miss it. I dunno how your Friday was but mine blew and I'll tell you why, marijuana haters like my family, this isn't a rant just about my mom. I bet you know people who kill your high, make you feel guilty, than try to have their way with making you quit. Vaping everyday in uber stealth isn't enough when you have a mom who says she can see deep into your eyes and tell your high. It's enough to make me uber paranoid, and who likes that? I know I don't. I'm moving out soon once I find work, I'm a senior at University stuck temporarily at home. It sure as hell better be temporary because I'm going bonkers and living in Prohibition in America!

    So lets name the haters, and maybe if we can name enough we'll offer them to some higher power and they will sneak mary jane in all the haters smoothies.:hello:

    2.Step Mom
    3.My sister (she doesn't condone everyday smoking so f*ck er')
    4.Step Dad
    5.Officer Smith (i was recently pulled over and harassed about drugs)
    6.My so called "christian friends"
    *Notice my dad isn't on the list hes actually very happy, succussful, reaching 60 and has been a regular smoker since 14.
  2. My parents. I told them the truth about pot and they actually believe me now but now they're excuse is that weed makes you stupid and that's why it's illegal...

  3. This. After a few arguments I finally got my father to admit it isn't dangerous and all the other myths people believe but now he's on a thing about short term memory and my grades (which are pretty good if I do say so myself).

    In my experience, I've found that there will always be at least one of the people who spew out the propaganda they've been fed by the government without ever questioning it. And of course, the people that do are obviously out of line to them. Whatever :rolleyes: :smoking:
  4. basically people who hate it, then you ask them why and they say "well it ruins your life". Then you ask them to elaborate and they can't.
  5. my biggest hater is my mom. she knows i smokes. she has known since freshman year in high school. but it wastn a big deal. Then as soon as i bought a bong, i turned into a drug addict and it couldnt be kept in the house and all that bullshit.

    its like as soon as you buy a bong, you have a problem of some kind. uneducated people suck
    • Like Like x 2
  6. I have no problems with people who choose not to blaze because they dont like the high, or its just not for them...

    But its the thick headed meat heads who take in all the bs propaganda and spew it all back at us not even realizing how ridiculous the shit theyre preaching to us is. Those are the haters that I love to hate.:D
  7. Don't really have an haters. My parents know I'm responsible with it, one of my brothers smokes and the other is way too young. Most of my friends smoke, and if they don't they aren't opposed to the use of it.
  8. I did the tough, grueling psychological work to get to a point where I honestly don't care what anyone thinks of me. I love my parents and family to death but alas, we have one life to live. You can't worry about it, dude.

    Hating honestly is pointless.
  9. The police.

  10. #10 ford12508, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    People who havent tried it.

    My friend used to be a "bottle capper" in high school and always thought weed was so bad, same with drinking. Well I got him very drunk one night. I didnt force him to drink but told him he should do it at least once before college just in case he wants to at college. Well he got drunk and started to cry. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I have been telling kids not to do this for 3 years, and now I wish I didnt waste my high school experience."
  11. Parents, police and arrogant friends or classmates.
  12. 1. Anyone who doesn't understand the "stoner" perspective of life
  13. Swoop your absolutely right I've found way to many people who do not for whatever reason (well they don't smoke) accept the lifestyle without feeling they have to lecture you about the fake ills of mj.
  14. I don't really care if they "understand" it but just dont be fucking ridiculous about it, my mom has compared me to an alchoholic? before which sets me right off
  15. Personally, both of my parents were on my case. Standing up to my dad was the best part, although ended up in not being aloud to go within 500 meters of him ....... My mom was a hater, but ever since i used some stoner tricks, and stoner snacks, and talked it over with her, she said as long as its not on the property. So i walked to the end of the driveway (lol).
    So the only haters i disslike, is my dad, as he kicked me out. lol
  16. my mom. I dont know if its on purpose, but I feel so awkward around her due to how she feels about weed. I know my parents knew I was leaving to go blaze with friends and there talking like, "starting your day now (it was late) and about "where he goes is private," and shit. I just feel so fucking awkward around my mom due to her feelings about weed and its really hard to deal with.
  17. A few of the girls i been with that think smokers are lame, and will Never enjoy the feeling of that altered state:rolleyes:
  18. Its unfortunate the amount of ignorance that has spread throughout society. These beliefs and unwillingness to accept the truth has to stop. I too have to deal with my roommates gf, who whenever she comes over makes a huge deal about pot. I told them I wouldnt smoke in front of them or her, which I think is pretty fair and reasonable. However as soon as I pull out some dope to grind up to take to a buds house, She freaks calling me a liar for not smoking in front of them. Had to spend like 10 minutes explaining what I was doing.

    Ah its ok though, the truth is infectious and it will spread. When it does people will realize all the lies that have been tossed and begin to accept the truth. finally!
  19. i will never date another girl that doesnt blaze

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