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marijuana for high blood pressure

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by craig1187, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Does anyone else have high blood pressure and use marijuana to control it? Last night was the first time in almost 10 years I used marijuana, and I smoke some hash, I got really high last night but I woke up this morning feeling great my pressure was down and I didn't feel tired or anything. I was just wondering if there was others out there.
  2. I cant say the cannabis lowered you blood pressure or not, but I do know that getting a good nights sleep is a very healthy thing to do.
    Try doing a toke or two at bed time and see if the great feeling continues.
    My doctor told me I can do all the cannabis I want in the edible form.
    take care.. :)
  3. I don't know if it has something to do with opening your blood vessels or something? But normally I wake up and have to take my medication. But this morning was completely different
  4. My father had been on blood pressure meds (high blood Pressure) and another med for his Low Ejection Fraction (25%) for over 20 years.
    After 6 months of  eating Bubble Hash made from an Indica heavy strain, he stopped taking all heart meds.
    His Blood pressure stabilised to 125/85 and his ejection Fraction went up to over 45%!
    The drs. where befuddled.
  5. You can use cannabis to regulate BP, but it's not a very exact science. Everyone has slightly different reactions to the different strains.
    If you want to use cannabis to regulate BP, do so carefully and scientifically. Carefully monitor your cannabis dosage and BP levels. Take notes. Use the smallest amount of cannabis necessary. If you're successful, you will hopefully find a strain that consistently keeps your BP at the appropriate level.
  6. Storm Crow's husband takes ABV, in caps, for his high blood pressure. you might send her a PM asking how much per cap and just how well it works.
    Or check her sig it has a link to get her list of studies of Cannabis, blood pressure is covered.
  7. #7 Aizura, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Yup, Cannabis is a vasodilator, i.e. it opens up the bloodvessels, thereby lowering blood pressure and improving circulation.
  8. [quote name="LUIGISIENA" post="19374119" timestamp="1390231733"]My father had been on blood pressure meds (high blood Pressure) and another med for his Low Ejection Fraction (25%) for over 20 years.After 6 months of eating Bubble Hash made from an Indica heavy strain, he stopped taking all heart meds.His Blood pressure stabilised to 125/85 and his ejection Fraction went up to over 45%!The drs. where befuddled.YMMV[/quote]awesome, good man your dad giving it a go! Them blood pressure meds are serious shit and best to be avoidedSent from my GT-S5360 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. before someone asks, abv is (already been vaped )   that does sound like it will work and will not have the racy sativa affect because most of the thc has been heated out of the herb through vaporization.
  10. ABV put me to sleep Real Quick!
  11. If you use too much it will do that.
    I put two grams in a can, 15oz, of chili, after heating it, ate half and in a half hour was out like a light for five hours. I think next time i'll use 3/4 a gram.
  12. would eating pot in chili get your farts high??
  13. Well the ABV got this old "fart" high.

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