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Marijuana Dependency?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Fredean, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I cannot sleep without it... I have to light a bowl before bed or I have extreme sweats, mind is racing, etc. I don't remember having trouble sleeping before starting weed...

    Now the problem is that I don't get enough sleep, I'm always groggy the day after... What can I do to get rid of the dependency? The only time I can really smoke is a couple of hours before bed and I don't really want to quit smoking, since I enjoy it, and it opens my eyes to alot of things that I normally wouildn't think of...
  2. When you smoke weed, your body produces more melatonin. When you don't smoke, you don't have that extra melatonin, so for the first few days you will need a boost or you experience insomnia. Your body needs to get back to its normal cycle, but that takes time.

    So get some melatonin dissolvable tablets. I have some that taste like peppermint, and I would just put it under my tongue.
  3. It definitely helps people sleep, and it helps with appetite... people going on T-breaks often notice they have a hard time sleeping and eating the first few days.

    The best, and healthiest way to combat this? Exercise :)

    Just be a little more active than you're used to while smoking, and you'll sleep better, and feel better for it.
  4. You will sleep better if you just man up and get over the depedency, smoking before bed isn't really worth it IMO. Weed inhibits REM sleep from the studies I have seen which explains why you don't sleep as well if you go to bed high (at least from my experience).
  5. meh the rem thing is person to person i can go to bed baked as hell and have great tripy dreams
  6. Everytime i go to bed high i have excellent dreams, i wake up and for the first couple minutes im really confused and feel like im still in it in a way. haha
  7. This lasts like 2, 3 days max if you smoke everyday for a long time. And people freak out and think they are addicted and are going through withdraws. lol :rolleyes:
  8. As mentioned earlier, Melatonin is a likely factor in your problem with sleep, but Melatonin isn't necessarily part of Marijuana dependency (which can also be contributing to your sleep issues.)

    Your brain/body makes Cannabinoids even if you don't smoke and or have never smoked. Like Melatonin and other substances in your brain, they help regulate mood, appetite, and sleep patterns.

    As you smoke Marijuana over time, your body creates less and less of it's own Cannabinoids, and begins to use what it gets from your Marijuana consumption as a substitute. If you were to reduce or stop smoking Marijuana, it can take several weeks for your body to resume producing it's own Cannabinoids.

    One of the first symptoms to present from a lack of Cannabinoids in the brain is trouble sleeping.

    So, perhaps you need some Melatonin, or perhaps you need to smoke a bit more before you go to sleep. Or you could have sleep problems unrelated to pot. Who knows, sleep is a bitch :p
  9. For the last few months i've been smoking at least a bowl every day, usually half an hour before bed. I've been T breaking for five days now and i've been sleeping fine. As soon as you go a few nights without you quickly realise that it's not essential for's all in your head !

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