I've had hiccups for the past hour watching the mavericks-lakers game 2 when me and my girl decided to smoke the bong before bed... I hit the bong and hiccuped immediately after taking the hit (as i always do when i take a deep breath when i have the hiccups) i held it in for a couple seconds and I felt the urge of the hiccup coming when it was just went away as the THC made it to my brain..... Fucking crazy, literally u feel it go away...... -Green Crack hybrid
Nice! Semi-related: I have realized that after I started smoking my frequency of hiccup incidents has gone down. Maybe cause im just stoned and eat slower... om nommmm ommm nommm nom
Marijuana For Intractable Hiccups (abst -1998) The Cannabis Link - Medical / Healing Information Marijuana cures hiccups (news - 1998) Marijuana cures hiccups
false cannabis PROMOTES hiccups. I get them when i suck in too much air not enough smoke on bong hits only