Marijuana Cultivation Guide (Beginners)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by rex8000, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. This book is not designed to read straight through. Information is organized by topic, although you can certainly read everything through you can also jump right to the topic you are interested in.

    Table of Contents
    1. Fundamentals
    2. → Seedlings
    3. → Vegetative Growth
    4. → Cloning
    5. → Sexing
    6. → Flowering
    7. → Harvesting
    8. → Curing
    9. → Producing Seeds
    10. → Pests and Pest Control
    11. → Common Plant Problems

    Attached Files:

  2. great post! :D
  3. good read
  4. I have officially found my reading material for my flight back to L.A, Hell , Was just gonna get a play boy but Mary Jane's Hotter :smoke:
  5. Good information. Thanks!!:wave:
  6. Very nice. Thank you.

  7. Glad it was of use to all of you, great piece. :smoke:
  8. Thank you very much.

    +1 Rep
  9. Cheers man :smoke:
  10. thanks
  11. Nice Job... + rep

  12. Yeah it's a nice little resource, enjoy. :smoke:

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